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Kuhlmann's New CU Icon

stevekstevek Posts: 29,582 ✭✭✭✭✭
Not to embarrass Kuhlmann but strictly in the best interest of informing the public...It is important for the public to understand the proceedings of tomorrows Eagles - Cowboys game. After the Eagles defeat the Cowboys in the game, Kuhlmann, a longtime Cowboys fan and Eagles basher will be forced to immediately change his current CU icon into a beautiful Eagles logo and keep it until the end of this season's Super Bowl game.

The public may have been bewildered and confused at noticing some CU member with an Eagles icon bashing the Eagles throughout the playoffs and praising the Cowboys or almost any other team playing the Eagles. So it is hoped that this message is helpful and in the best interest of promoting a safe, healthy and happy CU forum for all to cherish and enjoy.


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