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1872 Date Set

Hey everyone...new to this...my son John Marburger (coinlieutenant) has been urging me to get involved in this like I got him involved in coins...so here I am. Looking to build an 1872 date set of Proof and Mint State coins, all denominations and mint marks. Some of the tougher coins will have to be in XF 40. If you have any that you would be interested in selling let me know. Thanks, Art


  • Welcome to the Boards. If that 1872 dime is your's then you have a terrific start on your date set!
    We are always better off than we deserve. image
  • image

    Sorry I can't help you out with your endeavor....Heck I don't even own any 1872 coinsimage

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • wam98wam98 Posts: 2,685
    image to the forum. That has to be the best looking seated coin I've ever seen. Hope you can complete your 1872 set to match that dime. That would be something. image
  • OneyOney Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭✭
    image That is a great dime.......good luck and happy hunting!
  • Welcome and thanks for joining us. I am sure you will ad lots to the boards as your son does. John is a great guy and has helped many of us here already!!.

  • Gary, Yea that is my dime and I have a couple other 1872 dated coins that I may post later. I have a quarter that almost is as nice as the dime. Thanks again, Art
  • Hello Wayne, Thanks for the reply. I have and 1872 MS 65 quarter that is almost as nice as the dime. Also, have a couple others in the set. May post them later. Art
  • Welcome!! image And that's a GORGEOUS Dime!!! image
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,317 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Glad everyone has met my dad. Make sure that you take care of him and only sell him things at wholesale or below.

    And yes, I am helping him put together his date set, so he is my client...and yes he is paying me!! I know...I am horrible son.

    Trust me, I'm not charging him much for the service.

  • Hi Pops...welcome to the boards. Your son is a bootcamp Lieutenant, but a pretty good guy.
  • Coinfarmer...welcome.....but posting coins of yours like that will just PI$$ people off because you have nicer stuff than some of the regulars here....lol....j/k....it IS a GORGEOUS coin and welcome...people here are extremely nice...sharp witted, but nice!
    'My name is...... Shakezula, the mic rulah, the old schoola, you wanna trip, I'll bring it to ya.....'

  • Art, welcome to the forum. I have been chatting with your son about coins lately. He's a great guy!

    Regarding your 1872 Dime, it is obvious that you are looking for an upgrade. I will start looking for an MS-69 or MS-70... image
    www.jaderarecoin.com - Updated 6/8/06. Many new coins added!

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  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,317 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think he would be happy if I could get the dreaded two cent piece that I told him was a business strike into a MS holder as we have been talking about.

    I was right about the dime crossing at PCGS as well as his shield nickel but I have "dropped the ball" a bit on the two center...
  • "Make sure that you take care of him and only sell him things at wholesale or below."

    John, you'll be selling to us at those prices also, correct??imageimageimageimage

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • John has taken care of me and my 16D needs...I'd say he's treating us right image
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome! I have enjoyed getting to know your son over the last couple years. He is a great guy and a credit to you.

    Enjoy your time here.

  • Hello guys, Yea John is only charging me about a 40% mark up. He says that is really fair considering all the work he has to do. Hope you guys get as good a deal as he gives me!! He has actually done really well and has hit the mark everytime except for the 1872 2 cent piece PROOR or MINT STATE...that is the question. Art
  • MistercoinmanMistercoinman Posts: 1,820 ✭✭✭
    I want the 1872 for my own collection, I am a dime collector so if and when you get tired of that gem PM me first.
  • My goodness. That is POP 1 of 1, zero higher......... oh my god! Could that be a $25,000 coin?????? WOW!

    Member ANA
  • why did you pick 1872? just curious?

    Member ANA
  • cmanbbcmanbb Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome Art,
    I too was new to the boards, a few months now. John and I hit it off pretty well, and have been swapping/selling coins in the mail.........
    He's tough..............very hard to please, but so am I.
    Now we compete for THE most awesome, original, toned, luterous, monster, Capped Bust Halves in AU58
    It's just a matter of .........who gets there firstimage
  • WELCOMEimage
    Ebay Seller I.D
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