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Identity Crisis, Please Somebody ?

I know wha tiit says, but there is no denomination? Let alone, I can't find it in the new Krause book anywhere?

I have several others as well, Sol Campbell Defender Obverse/ Rev. 1998 The Official England Squad Medal Collection.

Martin Keown Defender Obverse/ Rev. 1998 The Official England Squad Medal Collection.

Another is Makers of the Millenium, Alexander Fleming 1881-1955/ Rev. 2000 Into A New Millenium.


  • The Czech item appears to be a medallion commemorating the 1990 Soccer World Cup, not a coin. The next two are undoubtedly just what they say they are - items from the "Official England Squad Medal Collection" honoring English Soccer stars. The final item sounds like another private mint series of medallions. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Y2K was responsible for more medal series than any other single event - including this one with its misunderstanding of when a millenium starts!

  • Thanks, Satootoko

    Do you know if they have any value? If so, I'll keep them, if not, any of the forum members that collect them and i'll send the coins to them for Chirstmas.

    Thanks, Brad.......
  • AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    The Czech item appears to be a World Cup souvenir token. They get made in the thousands by several participating countries and usually go on eBay for maybe a dollar or two. Some go for quite a bit more, so it's always possible this is a rare one, but I doubt it. I don't follow modern sports medals, so I can't say for sure.

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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