A New Coin Shop in Town...

...well, sorta. Actually it's a showcase in an antique and jewelry
shop in Burtonsville, Maryland. And it's run by...LRC Numismatics
(me!!). Over the years, I've done mail order, coin shows, and of
course eBay, but this is my first foray into retail display. We'll see
how it goes.
For anyone in the area, the shop is called Country School Antiques, on Hwy 198 just west of Route 29. For those traveling I-95, it's Exit 33 west, about 3 miles off the highway. The shop is open Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday daytimes, although during the Holiday season
they're open Thursdays also. It's a nice shop: attractive, well-run,
nice people. I'm looking forward to working with them.
If any of you can stop by, e-mail me ahead of time (littleroundcoins@aol.com) and I'll try to meet
you there!
shop in Burtonsville, Maryland. And it's run by...LRC Numismatics
(me!!). Over the years, I've done mail order, coin shows, and of
course eBay, but this is my first foray into retail display. We'll see
how it goes.
For anyone in the area, the shop is called Country School Antiques, on Hwy 198 just west of Route 29. For those traveling I-95, it's Exit 33 west, about 3 miles off the highway. The shop is open Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday daytimes, although during the Holiday season
they're open Thursdays also. It's a nice shop: attractive, well-run,
nice people. I'm looking forward to working with them.
If any of you can stop by, e-mail me ahead of time (littleroundcoins@aol.com) and I'll try to meet
you there!
LRC Numismatics eBay listings: