French token question
I bought two of each of these tokens. The first, I believe, was some sort of replacement or emergency money in France during WWI, the second is about the size of a US half dollar and made of brass. It is marked on one side with C.C. Sporrong & Co., Stockholm. I believe that that company made jewelry and military medals. Can anyone shed some light on either piece?
"Have a nice day!"
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
I believe that they also make medals, not just for military purposes, but also to sell as commemoratives. I have a medal myself that is marked "Sporrong" - a Danish art medal from the 70s.
Perhaps if you email the company someone will know about that token. I'm not sure it was actually used in the company. It may just be a transportation token. Such tokens were widely used in Sweden some decades ago.
Hope this helps.
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
The only reference I ave seen on the French issues is A Catalogue of French Emergency Tokens of 1914 - 1922 by Robert A Lamb It covers municipal, rail and tramway, merchant associatons, cafe, and prisoner of war issues. Possibly some other issuers as well.