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Registry of finest 1921-D Morgan VAM collections

I've just finished assembling a registry for the finest known 1921-D VAM collections. A listing of several sets actively being assembled is now published to the web. The registry includes every VAM listed in "Fun With 1921" (but does not include the non-VAMs listed as JOH varieties):

VAM-1A1 (old 1AB), VAM-1A2 (old 1A), VAM-1B1 (old 1B), VAM-1B2, (VAM-1C now VAM-8A), VAM-1D, VAM-1E, VAM-1F, VAM-1G, VAM-1H, VAM-1I, VAM-1J, VAM-1K, VAM-1L, VAM-1M, VAM-1N, VAM-1'O', VAM-1P, VAM-1Q, VAM-1R, VAM-1S, VAM-1T, VAM-1U, VAM-1V, VAM-1W, VAM-1X, VAM-1Z, VAM-1AA, (VAM-1AB now 1A1), VAM-1AC, VAM-1AD, VAM-1AE, VAM-1AF, VAM-1AG, VAM-1AH, VAM-1AI, VAM-1AJ, VAM-1AK, VAM-1AL, VAM-2A, VAM-2B, VAM-3A, VAM-5A, VAM-7, VAM-8A, VAM-8B, VAM-9, VAM-9A, VAM-11A, VAM-12A

To date, nobody has assembled a complete set, even without the nearly impossible VAM-1X! The registry has the finest-known 21-D coins within these collections and is a great reference for what is tough to find and what is rare in high grades. My set is listed as well as Wolf359 (Jack Lee) from this forum.

If you are collecting 21D varieities and want to participate, please PM me (or email rob@rjrc.com) to register a set. To date, eight sets have been registered, and one more is expected shortly. You can participate publicly with your set registered to your name or post your holdings anonymously.
Visit the current registry on the web at:

Regards, Rob
Rob Joyce - Dollar Variety / VAM Collector


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