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eBay member since Oct-27-98

...and I just got my first negative. image

I won an auction of obscure English soccer cards that he advertised as a "box". I paid on the same day the auction ended. When I got it, it was half full. I went back and read the auction again. Sure enough, although he had called the item a "box" in the title, he had actually put the correct number of packs in the description. Fine, my bad. Deceptively worded title, but whatever.

A week or two later, the seller sends me an email soliciting me for a positive. I replied back politely that I wasn't happy that he had sent me a "box" that was half full, and that even though he had declared the number of packs in the auction, I felt that it was borderline deceptive to advertise his item as a "box" and that although I would not be leaving him a negative, I certainly wasn't going to be leaving him a positive either. I never heard back from him. All was forgotten as far as I was concerned.

That was two months ago. Yesterday, out of the blue, the guy decided to neg me, ruining 6+ years of flawless transactions, both buying and selling. Yeah, I'm PO'ed right now, but I guess in the grand scheme of things this is a small blip.

If you've made it this far, I thank you for allowing me to vent. image


  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    Wow - that stinks! On another note, there is a seller I deal with all the time on Ebay. Nicest guy in the world, practically ships the cards to you the minute you pay him, and leaves you positive feedback right away. I always noticed his perfect 100% feedback, until the last card I won from him. 99.8% now. Why - I had to know! I read his feedback, and there it is. A neg from a newbie with around 20 feedback, stating this - "I paid for my card 8 days ago, and still no card". 8 days?? Negged for that - can you believe some people?
  • Similar deal. The guy that negged me was a relative newb with 11 (now 10 image) feedback rating.
  • Hi,

    As a collector of English soccer cards, I am curious to know what it was you bought?

    I may have some to trade.image

    p.s. I had a negative from a guy in Italy who complained that the toy I sent him had faults. The faults were clearly listed in the description and when I e-mailed him he replied he had not read the description because he could not read English and it looked good in the pics.
    Matt - UK based collector
  • as a buyer if you paid for the item,how can a seller leave you negative feedback?????????? what did the negative say? paid for item asap but didn't leave me feedback?
  • MorrellManMorrellMan Posts: 3,241 ✭✭✭
    I was wondering the same thing - what did he say? And did you respond in your feedback? I'm assuming if you've been dealing since '98 you must have at least a thousand positives, so your percentage should still be 100%. I can't imagine where a neg from a seller after a completed deal would mean a hill of anything to anybody. That being said, some people just like to make a little mess where they see perfection. Good luck getting past this.
    Mark (amerbbcards)

    "All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
  • A friend just pointed THIS page to me, so apparently I'm not the only one to get stung by him (I'm mmmmm...). Total loser.

    I've always been more of a part-timer on eBay, so I'm only just over 200, but I'm still at 99.5%, so I'm not hurting too badly.

    invader, it was a "box" of 91-92 Pro Set Series 1. Naturally, I didn't get the whole set in half a box, so yes, I'm looking for the rest. I've completed the 90-91 Pro Set and have lots of doubles. PM me if you're interested.
  • JMO, but ebay's feedback system is very close to a joke.

    You can "pay" a third party (squaretrade), which is OWNED by Ebay, a fee to "remove" the feedback, if the other party agrees.

    It's just me, but the more I'm on ebay, the more cynical about "feedback" I have become.


  • dallasactuarydallasactuary Posts: 4,384 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If ebay had an option to block people who don't know how to spell, that would solve 99.9% of all problems. Sorry for your horrable experience, I definately recomend you stick to preffered sellers when you buy multipil items. Seriously, in addition to checking the feedback scores, check the spelling - if it's this bad, you are dealing with an idiot.

    This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.

  • << <i>JMO, but ebay's feedback system is very close to a joke.

    You can "pay" a third party (squaretrade), which is OWNED by Ebay, a fee to "remove" the feedback, if the other party agrees.

    It's just me, but the more I'm on ebay, the more cynical about "feedback" I have become. >>

    Actually, despite all this, I don't agree. Yes, the Squaretrade thing is a joke, but I think the feedback system in general is workable. If you look at my response to the neg I received, I think I explained myself fairly well, and I don't think I'll be losing any sales or be banned from bidding because of it.

    The feedback system still allows the cream to rise to the top, so to speak. If you're a bad trader, you're feedback pattern will reflect that, and I think my good trading habits are reflected in my (otherwise) spotless record.
  • larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭
    That really sucks. I feel bad for you! I know I cherish my 100% perfect and would hate to lose it on a deal like that. Oh well... life goes on I suppose. Best of luck in future deals.
  • Ebay also now has a mutual withdraw feedback request system, but again it would be a MUTUAL thing. Sorry to hear that about the neg.... i got one like that years ago. a guy bought a NM+ PSA 8 griffey rookie that was described as such and pictured.... he negged me for not sending him a PSA 8.5 rookie! I explained there was no such thing, he objected and said an 8.5 would be a NM+ card, not an 8. again it was pictured. this was before the w/d methods of feedback.
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭

    << <i>I'm assuming if you've been dealing since '98 you must have at least a thousand positives, so your percentage should still be 100%. >>

    Only takes 1 neg - and then you no longer have 100%. I agree though, that no one will really care if you are in the 99.5% plus area, especially if you explain the neg feedback with a professional, concise response.
  • phreaky,

    Ah, no prob! One negative with a ton of positives never would scare many people away.

    At least ebay allows you to EXPLAIN the feedback, that takes some of the pain away!

    Good luck!


  • Update: betterautosales is now NARU.

    However, he is still operating as camarocrazychris. Check out his latest victim. This guy is an idiot.
  • DeutscherGeistDeutscherGeist Posts: 2,990 ✭✭✭✭
    The box with 24 packs was just $1???

    The shipping cost was several times more.

    That is dirt cheap!! Awesome deal. Bad seller though.
    "So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

    BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Reply by mmmmm...: Undeserved negative. Ended 9/19, I paid 9/19. Deceptive wording in auction. >>

    Someone can infer from your response that the two of you went at it due to deceptive wording of the auction; wouldn't it have been better just to state "undeserved neg....left it because I didn't give him a FB"?
    your friend
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    What confuses me is that the neg feedback he left for you is the same as the negs 2 others left for him? Bad bad bad etc u mean to tell me that 3 persons all had that in their minds at almost the same time? or am i missing somthing here??
    Good for you.
  • I'm guessing he was abandoning that account anyway, and decided to stir up some $hit on the way out.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Reply by mmmmm...: Undeserved negative. Ended 9/19, I paid 9/19. Deceptive wording in auction. >>

    Someone can infer from your response that the two of you went at it due to deceptive wording of the auction; wouldn't it have been better just to state "undeserved neg....left it because I didn't give him a FB"?
    your friend
    Mike >>

    That's a good point, Mike. I guess I was more concerned with warning future bidders to be careful.

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