FOR SALE: I would like to sell a Complete Set, from 1958 thru 2003 Proof Lincoln Memorial's. On PCGS page they show 1959 thru 2003, or 42 Coins. My set goes from 1958 thru 2003, and includes the 1958, 1960 Lg. & Sm. Date, 1970 Lg. & Sm. Date, 1979 T-1 & T-2, and the 1981-S T-1 & T-2, for a Total of 47 Coins. As far as I can see all of the Lincoln's are Pr.65 to PR.65++++. You tell me, I am not a Grader. MAKE AN OFFER, BY PM. I will respond to all offers. All Lincoln's have been stored in Whitman 2"X 2" during the time I have owned them. Thanks. Bob