FOR SALE - 3 NGC GSA CC Morgan Silver Dollars - PRICE REDUCED!

PRICES NOW PROVIDED - Coins will be sold first come first serve.
The pictures provided herein are from my scanner, but I am more than happy to take individual digital pictures and send them to you (via email) upon request.
All coins listed herein are NGC Certified GSA Carson City Silver Dollars. Each has original box and certificate of authenticity.
Shipping (USPS insured) Charges are included in the price. I prefer PayPal, but will accept Money Orders and Personal Checks (both of the latter require time for clearance).
1882 CC NGC GSA MS-64 $250.00

1883 CC NGC GSA MS-64 $250.00

1884 CC NGC GSA MS-65 $425.00

Thanks for your interest.
The pictures provided herein are from my scanner, but I am more than happy to take individual digital pictures and send them to you (via email) upon request.
All coins listed herein are NGC Certified GSA Carson City Silver Dollars. Each has original box and certificate of authenticity.
Shipping (USPS insured) Charges are included in the price. I prefer PayPal, but will accept Money Orders and Personal Checks (both of the latter require time for clearance).
1882 CC NGC GSA MS-64 $250.00
1883 CC NGC GSA MS-64 $250.00
1884 CC NGC GSA MS-65 $425.00
Thanks for your interest.