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Are Barber dimes in MS66 a good thing to collect??

They are quite tiny...and there are very few. And there are not many collectors from what I see. Maybe that makes his a good time to start a set??? It's a hard jump down from Saints.


  • I just took a look at the PCGS pops and they list 74 regular issues with 2 varieties.

    There are only 773 graded in MS66, so the average number of MS66 coins per issue
    is just over 10. Figure some percentage of these represent crackouts trying for the
    67 grade (of which there is only 140), and I'd say it represents a real challenge to
    complete the set.

    There are 28 issues showing 5 or less examples in MS66!

    I'm sure you are aware of these numbers - just wanted others to see what a glutton
    for punishment you are for even considering this! image


    P.S. Good luck - it looks like fun!
  • Hi All,
    that is exactly what I was thinking - what are the pop #'s on these in 66? This poses quite a challenge to say the least. Good luck image


  • Stewart needs a little competition. Lord knows that I have been unable to provide him with any over the past 15 years!!

  • saintgurusaintguru Posts: 7,724 ✭✭✭
    I can't compete with Stewart...just use him as a benchmark to strive towards. image
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cool set - it's neat to see two rivals only 1/100th of a point apart - with a third just behind.

    Good thing they're so gracious about it! image
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    super rare great undervalued under-apprecitaed sleeper coins ms66 true ms66 barber dimes

    i would go for it just make sure you get coins with great eye appeal and even if you just get close to a full set of even 25% of a set they are great type coins and again totally undervalued sleeper coins

    that are one of the most beautiful designed coins ..................

    when you get a superb gem business strike ms66 barber dime with great lustre and neat color or thickly white skinned

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