
in Q & A Forum
Two questions:
#1. If the person submitting sends in a third-party grader's slab (other than PCGS) with a "cross at any grade" instruction, does PCGS grade the coin in the slab or out?
#2. If PCGS cracks the slab first, does PCGS keep a notation of the former grade?
There is always some debate taking place in the forum that someone might have a slight advantage if they crack out and submit raw, so your input is welcome David. Thanks
#1. If the person submitting sends in a third-party grader's slab (other than PCGS) with a "cross at any grade" instruction, does PCGS grade the coin in the slab or out?
#2. If PCGS cracks the slab first, does PCGS keep a notation of the former grade?
There is always some debate taking place in the forum that someone might have a slight advantage if they crack out and submit raw, so your input is welcome David. Thanks
I brake for ear bars.
We leave "cross at any grade" coins in the holders because there's always a chance that the coin would be a "no grade."
I believe that proof coins are very hard to grade in holders and graders may be cautious when grading proofs thru holders. I do not believe this is the case with circulation strikes.