I'll vouch for Novus #2. As long as a slab hasn't totally been through the ringer, it'll usually do the trick. I'm pretty anal about my slabs, so the Novus stuff has probably saved me at least $75 in reholdering and shipping fees.
I checked at Michael's, but they didn't have it. I suppose other hobby shops might stock it, but I ended up buying a bottle on eBay. It was about $10 for a bottle of Novus #2 and Novus #1, which is just a plastic cleaner. I think there's also a #3 for heavy scratches, but I'm not sure how well it would work on slabs.
Novus is good, but its just funny funny how every once in awhile someone asks for something to help minimize appearance of scratches and then everyone just jumps in and swears by Novus. The company must love all this free advertising.
Its cool though. When we see something we like, we get all the board members involved. I like that. This means that good honest sellers and their products will have a strong market.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
Just got my Novus today and tried it out on one of my scratched/marked PSA's. Seemed to work pretty good, the slab is definately a lot more presentable than it was before.
If you have a sign shop in your town, or an industrial area that might have a plastic fabricating shop, they'll probably carry it too. If you don't want to wait for shipping.
If the scratch is not too bad I have heard that auto polish works too.
Thanks zodiac
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Thanks again for the help
Its cool though. When we see something we like, we get all the board members involved. I like that. This means that good honest sellers and their products will have a strong market.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee