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Grapevine Coin Show Is OK today.

Not too shabby this morning at the Grapevine Texas Coin Show.
Unfortunately they didn't have anything I was interested in getting myself. But they had around 70 tables and they all had dealers on them selling stuff.
The Grapevine Convention Center parking lot was pretty full, you had to park way out back, so that means they had a pretty good crowd today.
There were several dealers with ancient medieval coins out this time. Usually only a couple dealers have ancients, but this time there were several.
I went looking for pennies mostly, but only found a paltry few that might be slabbable for my collection. Almost all the pennies I looked at had the typical carbon spots on them. Bummer.
I did cherry pick out a novelty set of "Recession coins with a 1972P Type 2 IKE in it. image
These are interesting as to how they made the dies for stamping them out so small with all that detail.
I also took a fancy to some novelty quarters that were struck by a guy who used to engrave dies for the US Mint and other companies. image

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