East India Company Cash coin from shipwreck
Here is an 1808 East India Company Cash coin found aboard the sunken ship Admiral Gardner in 1985 and which went dowm in Jan. 1809.
The coin was lightly wrapped and stored in wooden casks so the damage from submergence was minimal. I have a couple of these in plastic slabs and was just looking for some info. Any opinions?
The coin was lightly wrapped and stored in wooden casks so the damage from submergence was minimal. I have a couple of these in plastic slabs and was just looking for some info. Any opinions?
Randy W Fogg
If I'm not mistaken it was the thread here a few weeks ago, regarding these or similiar EIC coins. Anybody? Laurent or Theboz may be ?
surface roughness from being underwater and/or cleaned. I always think shipwreck coins are interesting.
Link 1 to Admiral Gardner coins
Link 2 to Admiral Garnder coins
Link 3 to Admiral Garnder coins
--Severian the Lame