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Interesting Research Project for all of us! What coins have gone up/down most % wise since 1/1/2000

orevilleoreville Posts: 11,811 ✭✭✭✭✭
Name specific coins with a m/m and specific grade with a starting Coin World Trends/Values in January 2000 and current Trends/Values. I realize that Coin World Trends/Values is not completely accurate but it gives us some ideas of what is going on.

I think we should have four categories to keep everyone interested:

Category 1 should be coins with a starting price over $10,000
Category 2 should be coins with a starting price over $ 1,000
Category 3 should be coins with a starting price over $ 100
Category 4 should be coin with a starting price over $ 10

Ok here is an example of what prompted my interest in this topic. First of all, what coins have gone down would interest me as a buyer!

Secondly I was shocked to see that Coin World Trends/Values showed the following information:

Category 2 (Over $1,000 Starting Value):

1861-O $20 Gold in AU-50 1/31/2000 value: $ 6,500
1861-O $20 Gold in AU-50 11/8/2004 value: $25,000 (increased 285%)

How to calculate % increase: 25,000/6,500= 3.85
3.85 x 100 = 385% less 100% base amount= 285% increase


This should be a fun project for collectors in all dollar brackets as well as to seek information we may not have realized has occurred right before our very own eyes. This project could take months and may indeed evolve!!

Perhaps we could also announce winners and losers in each series, denominations, grades and even a further refinement in categories?

Losers by the way, just might be winners in the next three years whereas winners might just be the coins to avoid in the next three years???????

Somehow, I think that DMPL silver dololars in certain dates/grades might have seen increases of 1000%???

Lets have fun on this one! You do NOT have to own the coin that are winners and losers!

Last but not least, if you do NOT have CW Trends/Values on-line or in print then you can pm what coins you suspect are winners/losers to the volunteer posters who do have access (including me) that can look it up on behalf of those who do not.

I only ask the volunteer posters be nice to those who do not have access to Coin World and let them have 72 hours to post the winning/losing information you looked up for them and pm'd back before posting it yourself, in case they do not.
A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!


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    ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,765 ✭✭✭✭
    Two Lincoln cents that come to mind are the 1909-S VDB and 1931-S. The S VDB in MS64RD has more than doubled in price and the 31-S in MS65RD has more than tripled if I recall correctly.

    Either way, it's crazy.

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
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    roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The list of moderns that have hit the bigtime in the past 4 years would be enormous. Same for Red Indians and Lincolns, DMPL's,
    Full Band Roosies, FS Jeffs, MS67 and 68 Washingtons.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
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    orevilleoreville Posts: 11,811 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guys, instead of rattling off series, lets look up and post dollar amount specifics.
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
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    marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,241 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great thread you got - now if everyone stay focused this may turn out to be super thread ~~~~~~~~~~

    I my area of interest - Mercury Dimes - I wouldn't be able to know as I hardly ever save old price list and stuff - I'd need outside help image


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    roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't have access to 2000 pricing info. My CW's got tossed about a year ago. I do have data from 1980 and 1988-1990 but not 2000.

    In my area of specialty, I have picked out some seated dates that I know should have done very well in this window. Maybe 2X to 3X in price. These are currrent prices. Some may have been unpriced in 2000. Some 1974 prices along side for comparison. That was the first year I started doing some serious price comparisons)

    Over $10,000:

    1870-CC half MS63 ($160,000)(unpriced in 1974)
    1874-CC dime MS60 ($40,000) (unpriced in 1974)
    1870-cc 25c XF ($25,000) (XF $800 in 1974)

    Over $1,000:

    1872-s 25c in Fine, VF, XF (1800,2500,4000)($75 in XF 1974)
    1874-cc dime in Fine, VF, XF (6500,12K,20K) ($700 XF in 1974)

    Over $100:

    1867-s 25c in XF (1500) ($85 in XF 1974)
    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
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    orevilleoreville Posts: 11,811 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anyone who has a subscription to Coin World paper edition can access Coin Values/Trends on the internet with all 2000 to 2004 valuations by clicking on www.coinworld.com and setting up a Coin Trends/Values user name.

    Keep in mind that very few key dates in MS-66 or MS-67 are listed.

    As far as merc dimes the one coin/grade/mm that seems to stand out the most percentage wise is:

    1942/1 10c MS-65FB 1/31/2000 $15,000 -----------------11/8/2004 $35,000 increase of 133%.

    Over $10,000:

    1874-CC, 10c VF $10,750 (2000) to $12,000 (2004) Up 12%
    1874-CC 10c XF $18,500 (2000) to $20,000 (2004) Up 8%
    1874-CC 10c MS-60 $37,500 (2000) to $40,000 (2004) Up 7%
    1870-CC 25c XF-40 $19,500 (2000) to $25,000 (2004) Up 28%
    1870-CC 50c MS-63 $160,000 (first listed 11/117/2003) Unchanged since then

    Over $1,000:

    1874-CC 10c Fine $6500 (2000) to $ 6,500 (2004) No change
    1872-S 25c in Fine $ 1,200 (2000) to $ 1,800 (2004) Up 50%
    1872-S 25c VF-20 $ 1,900 (2000) to $ 2,500 (2004) Up 32%
    1872-S 25c XF-40 $ 3,850 (2000) to $ 4,000 (2004) Up 4%

    Over $100:

    1867-S 25c Xf-40 $ 725 (2000) to $1,500 (2004) Up 107%

    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
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    roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Oreville, I would have thought those moved in 4 years but shows how time flys....and sometimes doesn't alter anything.

    At least I was close on one of them......67s quarter in XF. Overall the seated stuff didn't do as well as I thought it did.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
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    tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,161 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Coins that I know have gone up significant dollar amounts:

    1884 trade dollars in PF63 and up
    1870-CC $20
    1794 dollar
    1870-S dollar

    Don't know how that translates to percentages of Trends values - if they're even correct.
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    I recently did a spreadsheet on AU Morgans to compare keys to Unc. Morgan commons. These data got fried in old computer but I wrote down few results that meet the $1000 criteria. Only 4 AU coins beat a cut off of 250% and they were: 1) 1894-P, 2) 1893-S, 3) 1892-S, and 4) 1895-O. Because a lot of people go for common Morgans in MS 63-64 to fill an album, before getting the keys, I wanted see if I should do this or if it made more sense economically to get even lesser graded keys first. Except for DMPL's which don't follow Bid or Values anyway, these were the winners over the other 93 Morgans if less than my $1000 cut off. Some others that were interesting in MS-63/64 were in 1892CC in DMPL, 1885CC in DMPL, 1897O, 1896O, 18860, 1879CC in MS64PL, and others. The problem again was there's little correspondence betweem Coin Values and real individual auction prices for comparisons of the cohort in the <$5,000 range.
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    ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,765 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i> Anyone who has a subscription to Coin World paper edition.... >>

    If only I did.

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
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    ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,765 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks to one of the board members I now have more data to share:

    1909-S VDB MS-64RD 1/31/2000 $ 1,250------11/8/2004 $ 4,500 Up 260%
    1931-S MS-64RD 1/31/2000 $ 125------11/8/2004 $ 350 Up 180%
    1931-S MS-65RD 1/31/2000 $ 300------11/8/2004 $ 750 Up 150%

    But take a look at these:

    1931-S MS-66RD 1/31/2000 $ 1,500------11/8/2004 $ 1,500 No change
    1931-P MS-66RD 1/31/2000 $ 250------11/8/2004 $ 1,400 Up 460%!!

    It's interesting that in the case of the 31-S, buying the best doesn't always make a good investment (though it's still better than the stock market over the same period of time).

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!

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