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Found 2 interesting 2004 state Q's at work

Hey all! While sorting coin at work this past week, I found 2 very interesting 2004 state quartes. The first is a proof-cam Wisconsin. What I find so interesting about this one is the fact that they haven't been released yet(to my knowledge anyways). The more interesting of the quarters is the Iowa quarter I found. The obverse is normal(clad), but when you flip it over the reverse is copper. Is this possible? Can one side be clad and not the other? I don't believe it's been tampered with. If I had a digital camera I'd post a pic, but I don't so......


  • first is a proof-cam Wisconsin. What I find so interesting about this one is the fact that they haven't been released yet(to my knowledge anyways).

    Mint released the proof Wisconsins earlier in the year, along with Michigan, Iowa, Texas and Florida.
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  • "Can one side be clad and not the other?"

    Yes. It could be missing it's reverse clad layer. I have a 1979 SBA that's missing the reverse clad layer. Is it thinner than normal? Can you weigh it? How is the strike? image
  • gargoyle62gargoyle62 Posts: 268 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the responses.
    richbeat - yes, it's slightly thinner than normal. No, I have no way of weighing something that light.
    The strike is real good. Unfortunately, it didn't fare too well in it's journey from the mint to me. No major
    dingers, but the rim on the unclad side(reverse) is pretty sratched all the way around, and one minor surface scratch at about 10 o'clock. So it probably has no real value but I really don't care. I just think it's pretty kewl.
  • Sounds like that's what you have. I'm not sure of the value, but I'd sure keep it! image
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    The missing clad layer definately has value... I am not sure the amount but well over $200 would not surprise me.

    Here's a link to a CT graded MS61 by PCGS where the seller set the opening bid at $480. (Zero bids) CT PCGS MS61

    Here's a raw GA going over $200. GA Raw
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