Hopefully it will give more folks a chance to participate. Many of us will just create a set from existing coins or sets. A lot of folks just do a date set cuz of the expense of obtaining all the Morgans needed for a full set.
I would really like to see the number on a coin only used once in a set then you will have to decide what set you really want to achive on and it would give more people a chance I will admit I have my mint set coins both in my sms mint set years and also in the 3 year set so I am in the wrong there but it would be interesting
I like the short date sets. I think it creates added incentive to the young numismatists, and those on a tight budget. Morgans, for instance, are one of the greatest coins, but collecting an entire set can be overwhelming. Once the short set is complete, maybe the urge will be there to go for it all.
Anything that broadens the appeal of the hobby I think is good for the hobby.
12/14/03 Bremer Confirms U.S. Captured Saddam
Joe Holt
Anything that broadens the appeal of the hobby I think is good for the hobby.