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Coin Doctoring - It's Ironic Really...

Disclaimer: Hi, I'm some beginner that basically knows jack about coins. image

Why is it that every time I turn around I see some doctored, dipped or whizzed coin when collectors obviously want "original" coins. Sure, eye appeal is important but aren't these sellers limiting their market to the ignorant? Also, every coin that gets doctored means one less coin worth collecting in the world. Doesn't it hurt the coin market when these doctored coins can't be resold?

The doctors must be making a VERY hefty profit by purchasing average, fairly ugly coins and prettying them up. Shame on them!

OHHH!! Shiny! image

OHHH!! Rainbow toning! image


  • TUMUSSTUMUSS Posts: 2,207
    For Basically not knowing "Jack" about coins...it seems that you do understand the loss a doctored coin causes to numismatics.

    I think it all boils down to the money...image

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