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So a funny thing happened to me in class today...

History of technology class today - we were talking about American industry in the late 19th century. The topic of tobacco manufacturing came up, and my prof starts talking about different men who were involved at the time. He says that two men, named Allen and Ginter, offered $75,000 for anyone who could produce a device to automatically roll cigarettes. Somebody came up with such a device, but A&G didn't buy his concept, but a man named James Duke did. He then went on to say that was why none of us had heard of Allen and Ginter, but everyone has heard of Duke University. I wanted to jump up on my desk and start talking about Cap Anson and PSA slabs and the last
Mastro auction, but I didn't, cause I almost forgot that baseball cards are my closet, only on the computer hobby, not to be confused with real life.


  • DirtyHarryDirtyHarry Posts: 1,917 ✭✭✭
    You should have piped up. I bet a lot more people correlate A&G with tobacco than Duke University. You had your moment to be a superstar, and let it pass. image
    Proud of my 16x20 autographed and framed collection - all signed in person. Not big on modern - I'm stuck in the past!
  • That is very interesting~

    brilliant! like in the beer commercials!

    live each day like it's your last but don't count on it!
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    That is pretty funny. I'm sure you enjoyed the smug geek satisfaction the moment produced. I would've.
  • baseballjeffbaseballjeff Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭
    Nice post!

    I am currently going for my MA in Speech and Language Path. If I had an opprotunity to talk about my baseball card collection/hobby I would in a heart beat. Especailly since I am the only guy in the program too!

    Good times in college, any other college student's/Prof's in here?

  • nice...
    When I was in an anthropology class, the teacher asked if anyone knew who Christy Matthewson was. I was the only one in 300 students who knew. Pretty sad...
  • I asked a sizable senior citizen crowd what the POP was of the 1911 T205 Hoblitzell no stats card, but no one knew. Bunch of dumb asses.
    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin
  • AlanAllenAlanAllen Posts: 1,530 ✭✭✭
    I once corrected a Sociology professor who stated that Jackie Robinson was the first black to play baseball in the major leagues. Believe it or not he smiled, and said he didn't think anyone would know about the deadball era players before the "gentleman's agreement," but that the societal impact of Robinson was not diminished by this fact.

    No such details will spoil my plans...
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭
    I was the "baseball guy" in a law school Corporations class that read a case involving John McGraw and Horace Stoneham and another involving the Chicago Cubs (who were sued by shareholders because they wouldn't install lights.) The prof asked if anyone knew who McGraw was, to which I responded, "the greatest manager in the history of the game."
  • BugOnTheRugBugOnTheRug Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭
    If you piped up, you could have included a summary of the dialog/discussion under 'significant personal accomplishments' in your resume.

    Too late now................

    << <i>You had your moment to be a image , and let it pass. >>

    Maybe next time.

  • CON40CON40 Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭
    Baseball saved my arse in high school... I got an A+ in my Basic Programming class by writing a program that could figure AVG, SLG, OB, ERA by inputting the raw stats... I guess that officially makes me a geek.

  • << <i>Baseball saved my arse in high school... I got an A+ in my Basic Programming class by writing a program that could figure AVG, SLG, OB, ERA by inputting the raw stats... I guess that officially makes me a geek. >>

    haha, I did that too. I couldnt think of anything else worth writing a program for. HAH!
    Eddie Murray, Will Clark and Darin Erstad collector, check my wantlists for what I need.
  • I remember being in college in the mid 80's and the chemistry professor telling the class he collects old baseball cards if anyone has any or knows anyone that does. I just now remembered that, thanks !!
    Collecting vintage material, currently working on 1962 topps football set.
  • A little off topic, but I have many interesting conversations with a girl in my Psych class. It's David Akers sister. (Philadelphia placekicker). She's quite knowledgable and get this- she actually WORE a game used jersey of his to class. She said it was from '02. Pretty cool.

  • unishipuniship Posts: 497 ✭✭
    You should have spoke up, and brought the story around to the 2002 national where Allen and Ginter had nothing to do with two grown men rolling around on the parking lot trying to pummel each other over baseball cards.
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