Turnaround time guarantee suggestion

in Q & A Forum
Hi Dave,
Last week Russ wrote:
The current guarantee delineated in business days with blackout periods for shows creates a lot of confusion among submitters. This confusion, of course, frequently results in misunderstandings and animosity. It also keeps customer service personnel tied up answering specific questions like "what day am I on?", "do I get any freebies?", etc. To my mind that is an un-wise use of resources.
Why not determine a number of calendar days PCGS can reasonably attain on a consistent basis and dispense with all the confusion? For example, the 15 business day has generally been translating to about 30 "real" days. You might be able to reasonably guarantee a period of calendar days somewhat less than that, since it's always a good idea to strive for improvement.
Not knowing how difficult it would be to change your process from "business" to "real" days, perhaps the following suggestion could cut down on alot of frustration with little effort.
In the submission status page, post a link to an actual calendar which details each date by either grading or nongrading day. You could even post the upcoming shows in this calendar. You would probably only need to post the calendar 3 mo's in advance.
Customers would be able to count business days, and customer service reps can direct inquires to this area of the website.
Just a thought....
Last week Russ wrote:
The current guarantee delineated in business days with blackout periods for shows creates a lot of confusion among submitters. This confusion, of course, frequently results in misunderstandings and animosity. It also keeps customer service personnel tied up answering specific questions like "what day am I on?", "do I get any freebies?", etc. To my mind that is an un-wise use of resources.
Why not determine a number of calendar days PCGS can reasonably attain on a consistent basis and dispense with all the confusion? For example, the 15 business day has generally been translating to about 30 "real" days. You might be able to reasonably guarantee a period of calendar days somewhat less than that, since it's always a good idea to strive for improvement.
Not knowing how difficult it would be to change your process from "business" to "real" days, perhaps the following suggestion could cut down on alot of frustration with little effort.
In the submission status page, post a link to an actual calendar which details each date by either grading or nongrading day. You could even post the upcoming shows in this calendar. You would probably only need to post the calendar 3 mo's in advance.
Customers would be able to count business days, and customer service reps can direct inquires to this area of the website.
Just a thought....
Thanks for the suggestion. We really need to do something...it's driving me crazy too.