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Profiles in Variety part III

In this edition of Kennedy half dollar variety we will look at the year 1974. If anyone can up load pictures it woudl be of great assistance. And of course all material referenced from "THE KENNEDY HALF DOLLAR BOOK" by James Wiles.

1974-D UVC-216, DMR-1, ODV-004, RDV-004

URS: 28

The fourth obverse and reverse designs are still in use. Notching can be seen in the I and N in IN light spread in UST in TRUST.

1974-D UVC-217, DMR-2, DDO-001, 1-O-I-CCW

Cross Reference: CML 1-O-I

URS: 10

Strong spread on letters and date. This variety can still be found in mint sets.

1974-S UVC-218, DMR-1, ODV-004, MMS-001 URS: 22
1974-S UVC-219, DMR-2, ODV-004, MMS-002A URS: 22
1974-S UVC-220, DMR-3, ODV-004, MMS-002C URS: 19

The mintmark whcih was used since 1955 was replaced approxiamtely mid year. the cool thing is the punch that replaced the old one is doubled. In early state of the punch only a knob hows on the outside upper curve (stage a). In stage b the upper serif splits. In stage c a fully doubled upper curve is seen. After wear the doubled image disapears (stage d). Stage b is unknown for the Kennedy half dollar. All other stages carry no additional premium.

1974-S UVC-221, DMR-4, DDO-001, PR-1-O-V-CCW from K-11

URS: 1

Light spread on WE TRUST.

STAGE A: Obverse adn reverse are EDS.
STAGE B: MDS (unconfirmed)
STAGE C: LDS (unconfirmed)

Sleep well tonight for the 82nd Airborne Division is on point for the nation.

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