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If you really wanted to start a Forum Brawl...



  • McCain is at least a patriot even if he was foolish enough to be a Republican, that’s more that can be said of Bush. The only thing the Bush’s are loyal to is their one world government with their rich Republicans in control. In fact they seem to want to control the oil, the money and the rest of the world. I guess the only thing they don’t want to control are guns because they need the NRA to keep them in office. I’m surprised we didn’t see Charlton Heston for Vice President. Then again maybe that’s not such a good idea since the vast majority of Americans don’t like the idea of every gangbanger owing an automatic rifle like those idiots seem to want.

    Posted in the open forum under McCain

    You think that might get some excitment goingimage

    I'm an equal opportunity troublemaker.
  • Kerry and his phony war record will get beaten by Bush just like the Yankees will crush the Red Sox, just as sure as Frankies are the ugliest coin ever minted. Speaking of Frankies, what possesed the the US government to replace one of the more beautiful US coins ever minted with such a ghastly design? Ben was no Burt Reynolds in real life so why put his ugly profile on a 50c piece? I thought they dropped acid in the 1960s, not 1948. There's a Bugs Bunny variety. How appropriate. Whoever designed that coin had to be Looney Tunes in the first place but the variety was an improvement. Speaking of acid, who spends about $1,000 on old currency and dosen't expect to be disappointed? BTW top tier grading services make mistakes just like ACG and NTC. Besides, anyone who buys slabbed coins and thinks they are serious coin collectors are deluding themselves. Collect coins not plastic! Learn how to grade! I'm so sick and tired about all of the bashing that goes on this forum so I'm leaving. As I go, I'll leave you all with this pearl of wisdom. Coin collecting is for men only as women prefer to buy frivoulous things like shoes and dresses while giving their husbands a hard time for buying coins........

    ............ image How did I do? With the execption of Kerry and the Red Sox, I didn't mean anything I just said. And I do collect moderns. image
  • So I did some trolling hoping I'd bait some die hard right wing, commie hating ultraconservative and guess who comes out taking the big swing at me..............our own Russ.image
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    It is my obligation to shine the light of day on liberal lies whenever they emerge.

    Russ, NCNE
  • XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭

    << <i>Why do so many informed (allegedly) and knowlegable (supposedly) people think that just because you take a coin out of one holder, and put it in a another holder with a higher number on it, that the coin is worth more? >>

    It's not? Then why do dealers do it so much?

  • rottnrogrottnrog Posts: 683 ✭✭✭

    << <i>It is my obligation to shine the light of day on liberal lies with neocon lies whenever they emerge.

    Russ, NCNE >>


  • << <i><< Why do so many informed (allegedly) and knowlegable (supposedly) people think that just because you take a coin out of one holder, and put it in a another holder with a higher number on it, that the coin is worth more? >> >>

    It's probably not but I'll pay you the ask price of the old (lower) number just so you don't have to think about it.
  • So Russ

    How does it happen that an anti-liberal such as yourself would specialize in a coin with a portrait of a Kennedy on it?

    Are you really a closet liberal?
  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 8,023 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry I haven't read this thread but to start a brawl all you have to do is make fun of the "inner" circle and the clique will jump on you like Lions on fresh meat. Or make fun of some for 34.9 posts per day. Or make fun of Modern guys!! Just my 3c. Or start talking politics!!!

    Kerry for President...................
    of France!!

    "I voted for Kerry" before I didn't

    What's the difference between John Kerry and Frankenstein??..........................Neck Bolts!!!!

    John Kerry walks into a Bar and the Bartender says...."What's with the long face??"

    edited for poor spelling!!

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