Bowman Chromes and Refractors

I am fairly new to PSA, and from following the boards, it seems that much of the discussion is concerning older cards. This topic probably concerns all of about ten people but maybe I can get some feedback over a concern that I have. If you are building a basic Bowman Chrome Set for the registry, should the three levels of refractors "count" towards your completion rate? They probably are harder to find and more expensive but should they be included? It used to be very clear on what cards were within the Bowman Chrome sets. Now you have to pay close attention to the pop. to see if they are basic, refractor, xfractor, or gold. The new registry, just like the old one allows these subsets to fill in spaces in the basic set. Just a simple question from a "newbie". Thanks, Paul
#1 2000 Blue Xceptional Set(and #2 and #3, it's a sickness)
1933 Giants
1933 Giants
Yes, the set registry will allow you to register a Sean Casey, Sean Casey xFractor, Sean Casey Gold Refractor, to fill the Sean Casey slot in the set.
Basically though the control of what gets put where is up to you, if you want your set "pure" then only
register the base versions of the cards. That's the beauty of the Set Registry, it gives you the ability to choose what to put where.
I have the same issue with the 1998 Leaf R&S set where there are base cards, True Blue cards and Longevity cards. I just started going with which ever card was the best card of that player, because in the end it comes down to getting them graded and its not worth grading a base card when you have a parallel version that will grade better.
Just my opinion though,
Scott J.
1933 Giants
You could suggest to BJ that the complete card company description be used for allowing a card into a
specific type set.
i.e. for a 2002 Bowman Chrome set
Bowman Chrome Sean Casey (would be acceptable)
Bowman Chrome Xfractor Sean Casey (would not be acceptable)
The only problem with this is that PSA doesn't always consistently label all cards the same way, let alone
make labeling mistakes.
Also I'm not sure where they label the "Xfractor" text, I know on my 1998 Leaf R&S the "True Blue" and "Longevity" aren't associated with the Card company or the Player Name, so that could make what you
want tough to do.
I definitely see your point though, I didn't catch all the other 2002 Bowman Chrome parallel set listings.
BJ is the best though so if anything can be done, she is the one to contact.
Take it easy,
Scott J.
1933 Giants