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GOETZ: K-216 Bismarck Twenty Year Death Medal

Opus 216 “TWENTY YEARS OF BISMARCK’S DEATH” (Bismarck, 20 Jahre nach meinem Tode). 1918, Cast AE, 58.3mm, Rare double edge punch at both 6/12 o’clock. The two linear indentations located on the clouds of the obverse, they aren't scratches, were manufacturing flaws created either in the sand or gypsium mold before the pouring.

Goetz, through his symbolic use of Bismarck’s revered person, expressed his personal unhappiness about the German state-of-affair. Inscription on the obverse reads: “Twenty years after my death I shall rise out of my casket and find out whether Germany passed muster before the world, Bismarck, 1898."” Inscription on the reverse: “1918” The reverse indicates that obviously Germany had not passed the test as a Social Democrat is mounting the horse, and has replaced the monarchy whose crown is lying in the dust.

Goetz on several occasions used figures wearing a peculiar looking hat. He called it “ballonbemützt” (wearing a ballooncap). This attire is used by him to indicate that the wearer is a social-Democrat who preferred wearing these soft caps.



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