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Do I sell raw or slab?

Hi, I have been reading the boards for a couple of months to gain info on Baseball cards/slabbing. I have been a Ebayer since 97 and have sold a number of diff. items including Baseball cards. I recently picked up a couple of hundred cards in a few baggies. I bought so much stuff (care bear car to 1968 mint political game) that the cards were put aside after the first look. In my search for info I bought a beckett baseball book and researched grading services. I went through Ebay to PSA where I can submit cards for $8.00 each without joining (which I believe will bring me my best return on resale). The cards I have on my submission form are 1972 Topps- 2 Ryan, 3 Rose, 2 Kaline and 2 Brooks Robinson. I have included scans to ask if I should send these away at $8.00 each. Most of the cards in this lot are in the same shape and number from 526-656 (semi highs?). I have seen threads on why did a seller not slab a card to make more on a auction but $8.00 each and a long wait, plus going through the submission process when you do not collect cards is kind of a pain. A couple of notes; I never realized that scamming was so rampant on Ebay and this is a good site to find info on selling/buying and not getting burned, I only paid 50 cents for all the cards and would make a good profit without slabbing( got to love those estate/garage sales).
Thanks for the advice Jim.
See scans addresses further down the thread.
Buy anything for cheap and sell for more.


  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    only paid 50 cents for all the cards

    i think u answered the question with that statement

    list them raw and describe and grade them properly.

    you should do alright
    Good for you.
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    The scans hurt my eyes....pretty darn bright!
    Just judging by centering and corners since that is all I can see
    from what you've presented, I'd say most of them would grade
    from a 6 - 8. The only cards I like in your batch are the Pete Rose.
    To me, they look like a solid 7. Investing $8 a pop ($24) for the 3 Rose wouldn't be bad. SMR $60 for PSA 7. PSA 8 $130. You'd make a little on your return. They might grade higher, but can't tell from the bright scans. Any surface creases or stains that you can see?
    If you bought a Beckett, you should read up on how to grade your cards. At least get the basics for what constitutes what. VG, EX-MT, etc. I'd sell the rest in raw. The Ryan's are way off centered. You'd be lucky to pull a straight 6 without any qualifiers. Maybe 6 (OC), or a 5.
  • ill give ya a dollar for them all....thats a pretty good profit margin!
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    Forget him. I'll give 2 dollars.
  • dtkk49adtkk49a Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭
    Can't tell the condition from the poor scans. I would think they are not worth grading.
    List them on eBay together as a lot. You may get 10 or 15 dollars for them - still a good profit.
    Follow me - Cards_and_Coins on Instagram

    They call me "Pack the Ripper"
  • If you're going to sell them on eBay, scan them on a dark background so the edges and corners can be seen clearly, and increase the resolution so you can see them better. Those scans are pretty chunky.
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,753 ✭✭✭✭
    Let me know when you list these on ebay. I might be interested in some of them.
    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • Thanks for the info. my scans were poor because I was trying to get under 50kb to list them within this forum. I have added a Rose scan with a outside service with darker background(Thanks works great), higher resolution and birightness taken down. After looking at the submission sheet when all added up with two way postage it will be over $10 a slab. The card in the scan is about one of the top 50 for condition and I also have mult. of others like Sutton, Rose IA, Teams, Niekro etc. that have decent corners and centering. I have looked at the corners with a 10x loop and see a very diff picture than my untrained naked eye. Should I get into trying to give that much detail when I sell raw or present a scan and a discription with any minor defects that I see? While some of the offers listed are a lot more bits than I paid I want to make sure Ebay and Paypal gets their cut, so its off to auction I gooo. maybe I should give Collector222(?) a call and see if his grading service is up and running yet. Thanks Jim

    Buy anything for cheap and sell for more.
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