New Registry is Now Live!

Thank you for your patience during the upgrade process. You can now begin editing your sets and adding new sets once again.
Although we are hopeful that all functions of the Registry are in working order, it is possible that there may be some tweaks we will need to make. Should you run into any problems, please email and we will address them as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Although we are hopeful that all functions of the Registry are in working order, it is possible that there may be some tweaks we will need to make. Should you run into any problems, please email and we will address them as soon as possible.
Thank you!
BJ Searls
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
I didnt see any year or brands on the player set I looked at.. many of them just have the card # and the players name, along with the pop #'s.. ?
For example. . .in the 1972 set, a registrant has card#1 in PSA8. The "Pop Higher" column for this card shows a figure of 14.
The population of this card is -
9NQ - 12
9Q - 2
10 - 4
The two problems are -
1) The "Pop Higher" column combines the qualified and unqualified populations of the card. VERY misleading. If PSA is docking a person's set 2 grades for qualifiers, the 9Q should be added to the PSA7 NQ population numbers in cases like this. The "pop" column reflects only the unqualified numbers, but the "pop higher" column should exclude the qualified examples in their calculations.
2) The "Pop Higher" numbers don't add in the PSA10s. In the example above, the only way to get a "Pop Higher" figure of 14 is to add the 9NQ and 9Q numbers. If you add the 9NQ (12) to the PSA10 numbers (4) you would then get 16.
The "Pop Higher" column will be very nice when these issues are resolved.
1) The POP higher column include cards with a higher qualified grade that would receive a lower "point value" than the registered card. (technically a PSA 8MC is a higher grade, but it isn't a higher point value on the registry).
2) The POP column does NOT include cards with qualifiers (which is good). Yet, the POP for a Qualified card defaults to the unqualified POP.
Here's my dilemma,
I have an almost complete 1968 Topps Test Basketbal set.
Population Report 7 8 8Q
11 DAVE DeBUSSCHERE 0 0 0 1 0 2
12 EARL MONROE 0 0 1 4 1 2
My Set Report Grade POP HIGHER
So in looking at the Set Report I think I need to improve my Debusschere and keep my Monroe. Nothing could be further from the truth because of these two "errors."
1) In looking at card 11 (Debusschere). I have a PSA 7. It says two are graded higher. Yet the only two graded higher are graded 8Q (I believe they are both OC). Therefore, I was under the assumption I had to upgrade when in reality ... I had the highest "point valued" card on the registry.
2) Now look at card 12 (Monroe). I have a PSA 8MC that has a 0 in the POP higher column. Yet, there is a PSA 8 which would have a higher "point value" on the registry.
Just my two cents. I could be completely wrong and I most likely am. Anyway, back to work earning the bucks to pay for the next piece of nicely cut cardboard.
As for adding cards now ... awesome.
If I can only say:
BJ Searls, Cosetta Robbins and the rest of the PSA IT Team: YOU ROCK!!! Thank you - you have made the process easier, quicker, and overall better. Your team has put so much hard work in to help us baseball card collectors. It has never gone unnoticed - and I continue to give you a heartfelt thanks for all that you've done for us.
Adding cards is now simpler and they get updated on the registry in an instant, I don't have to wait a whole day or two to finally see them get updated. You guys are doing a great job.
I have one problem though:
I still can't update any cards that have the word "AUTHENTIC" for my Hall of Fame autograph set, they will not register to the set.
They all have Valid PSA Serial numbers but will not register into the set. Is there a way to add the card to the set, without adding the grade. Maybe use the word NG in replace of the grade. No point system necessary, I'm just trying to plug in the holes.
Great Work BJ!!!