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Who thinks the Broncos will make the playoffs this year?

SanctionIISanctionII Posts: 12,273 ✭✭✭✭✭
I am a Bronco fan (as you can tell). Grew up in Denver in the late 50's-early 70's and remember the days when they were terrible and the days when they got better and started to make the playoffs. Since they won two consecutive Superbowls I have not followed the team as much as I did before. What do you think of this year's team. Anyone think they will make the playoffs and if so, how deep into the playoffs do you think they will go.


  • Back in July I picked Denver to win the AFC West. Not really on account of Denver being spectacular but more so due to the Chiefs poor defense. A lot of people questioned Denver’s offensive capabilities, but I agreed with Shanahan that a good RB is easier to find than a good CB (Portis for Bailey).

  • I think they have a shot.....in the NFL EVERYONE has a shot....
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