PCGS Price Guide is getting much better

in Q & A Forum
Please explain the procedure PCGS uses to arrive at the prices
listed for each grade and how frequently this is done.
Obviously a large database collects input from either specific
dealers who supply PCGS with sales prices or from auction results
or a combination of the two. To what extent is your system
automated? Please clarify this. Do these listings reflect PCGS coins only or
all coins? Are there ways that the accuracy of these listings could be
further refined, for example somehow including additional transactions
from more dealers that wind up getting missed?
- Charlie B -
Please explain the procedure PCGS uses to arrive at the prices
listed for each grade and how frequently this is done.
Obviously a large database collects input from either specific
dealers who supply PCGS with sales prices or from auction results
or a combination of the two. To what extent is your system
automated? Please clarify this. Do these listings reflect PCGS coins only or
all coins? Are there ways that the accuracy of these listings could be
further refined, for example somehow including additional transactions
from more dealers that wind up getting missed?
- Charlie B -
"location, location, location...eye appeal, eye appeal, eye appeal"
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Hi Charlie,
The PCGS Price Guide is for PCGS graded coins only. The price represents the "average dealer asking price," i.e. it's a buying guide for collectors. Prices are derived from auction prices, dealer retail ads, wholesale transactions, and dealer and collector input. We have done a great deal of work on the price guide in the last three months but we have a lot more to do. I am personally very involved with the price guide because I feel it's very important for market participants.