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EthicalQuestion -- Poll will decide course of action!

Some of you might remember me purchasing on a 1926 NGC MS64 Peace $ from Heritage last week. The auction stated it was a 1926-P NGC MS64 with a BIN of $105. But the pictures of the coin showed a 1926-D NGC MS64. Some thought that it was just a posting mistake on Heritage's part and I would actually receive a 1926-P when the coin arrived.

Well the coin arrived today and its a 1926-D. NGC made a mistake and didn't label it a D. Heritage made a mistake and sold it as a P. A 1926-D NGC MS64 has a relative value of $220 while the 1926-P has a value of about $80.

Here's alink to the actual auction.

And here's a link to the original thread.

So now what do I do? That's what the forum will decide! Majority vote in the poll controls. However, it must reach at least 50 responses for it to be valid.


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