dmpl dollars

in Q & A Forum
there is so much confutation as far as dmpl go.That is,is the coin a pl or dmpl,black and white and so on,you know what I mean.Why not change the grading system?Make all pl's and dmpls just pl,and then put a number after it.Say,for example,an average dmpl ms 65 it would read;65 pl 5.A average pl dollar would be 65 pl 3.A true black and white would be 65 pl 10.There are so many dollars that are inbetweeners,this would give the graders more flexablity.THis will not solve all promblems,there will always be people that will not be happy with the grade given.'I think PCGS should have graded this a 65 pl 7, it should be a 65 pl 8 all day long'. What can you do? Or if this is to complex make it pl one though five, and dmpl one -five.Agin this gives the grader a little more freedom.Want your view on this?
We started out by just having non-PL and PL. The really deep black and whites brought big premiums, so about 15 years ago we added DMPL.
I feel that the Pl/DMPL method, while not perfectly precise enough. Further divisions would just confude the marketplace in my opinion. And there will always be "tweeners," no matter how many decimals you have in grading.