Will pay a FORTUNE for a bright, flashy, well struck gem+ BU 54,55 or 58 nickel! Also for a nice 64r

For nickels, also interested in ms66+'s of 42 TI and any P 46-55, and 58,60-d,61-d,62-d.
For Lincolns, also interested in ms64rd's of 12-s,13-s,14-s,16-s,18-d,21-s,23-s,24-d,24-s,25-s,26-d.
For Lincolns, also interested in ms64rd's of 12-s,13-s,14-s,16-s,18-d,21-s,23-s,24-d,24-s,25-s,26-d.
Edited to add most of those ngc ms66 nickels on ebay are hideous, should be ms64's! I did pick up a really nice ngc ms66 1951 nickel once though so some good ones are out there.
Keyrocks's 14-d
Stewart Blay's 14-s (no, not his ms66, his ms64 ex Marcalan)
Kevin Michael's 15-s
Lazaroo's 16-d
Kevin Michael's 16-s
Pat and Gene's 17
Kevin Michael's 24-s
Keyrock's 25-s
Clackamus's 45-d
Keyrock's 47-p
LincolnCentMan's 54-p
The 1949-P, 1954-P and 1955-P are really tough in PCGS-66! There's only one 1961-D in PCGS-66. The 1958-P and 1962-D don't even exist yet in PCGS-66.
<< <i>1958-P and 1962-D don't even exist yet in PCGS-66 >>
Yes I know, they are the only non Twenties S coin of the twentieth century that has no ms66! (Well, since 1916, I didn't check the Barber's pops in ms66 yet). Notice 63-d is absent from my list? It's pop 1/0, but would be 2/0 if I got mine graded