Question about PSA/DNA Holder Limits

Hey guys...Does anyone know what the largest item is that PSA/DNA will encapsulate? I've got a bunch of oddball autographed stuff I want to send in, including these two items. This Maris photo/card is 4.5" x 7" and the Klu is just a tad smaller. I called PSA a couple weeks ago and the answer went from no to yes to maybe...and by the time I got off the phone the answer was "We're not sure...It's a new service, you know." I know the Maris is legit as it was personalized to me. I just thought it would look cool in a holder. Any help is appreciated.


Just remember that the T-3 holders have a $35 grading fee attached.
I think I'll hold off on submitting until I can get a "for sure" answer. I can appreciate that this service is still relatively new, but it sure seems like someone there would be able to give me a yes or no. Don't get me wrong...I like PSA and they are my first choice for grading. I just want a clear answer before I send my stuff in.