What's the oldest known uncut sheet, any sport?
Posts: 78
I've seen as old as the 60's being sold, but have wondered if maybe there are 1952 Topps Baseball uncut sheet's or eve uncut shhets that are pre 1950. A t205 uncut sheet would be something to have with the Wagner, or did they even make those early cards in full set sheets? If they did exost and someone cut them, would PSA grade them because some of those cards aren't the exact same size?
I believe that Charlie Sheen once owned an uncut sheet of Cracker Jack cards that was stolen and subsequently cut up.
I thought I heard/saw an Old Judge sheet once, or am I just crazy?!
There are a number of Goudey uncut sheets out there, too.
a few uncut sheets from before 1950, and a few others
here is a goudey one:
Left side:
Right side:
This is one of my favorites: 1939 Poster stamps uncut sheet only 1 known.
I also have a uncut sheet of 1923 German tatoo's w/ Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb
Plus I have 5 uncut sheets from 1948 Japanese Menko with Babe Ruth I have 8 more of these framed and on my office wall.
Babe Ruth can be located on the bottom right, next to the last big card. Babe Ruth is the Joker card!
Heres the 1st issue of Sports Illustrated with the Full set of cards, I bought the magazine on ebay for $80. and had it framed for my home office. Pretty cool!