US Stamp Mint Sheets and Block Sets For Sale

Need to liquidate US Stamp Collection for 78 year old Mother! Have 65 different US Mint Sheets (Face Value $476.32....Blackbook** Value $1482.92), 68 different US Block Sets or strips (Face Value $95.94....Blackbook** Value $384.34), and 14 different UN Stamp Block Sets or Strips (Face Value $12.28....Blackbook** Value $ unknown). Entire collection Face Value $584.54....Blackbook** Value $1867.26. Dates of issue go between 1962 trough 1982. Willing to sell entire collection or individual mint sheets and blocks or strips for face value plus 10% (handling fee). Interested parties should know the Scott # (tm) of the stamp(s) you are interested in. Knowing the Scott # (tm) will help me tell you if I have the stamp or not. Please send inquiries to my e-mail address (
**2005 "Official Blackbook - Price Guide To United States Postage Stamps" used as a price guide.
P.S. Buyers must pay for postage (of their choice) with insurance plus packaging cost.
**2005 "Official Blackbook - Price Guide To United States Postage Stamps" used as a price guide.
P.S. Buyers must pay for postage (of their choice) with insurance plus packaging cost.