<<<sexy is an understatement! still trying to sell your author icon,eh. poor guy>>
Actually I had the chance to sell it at Long Beach for 700.00 to a dealer, But I chickend out. I like that coin more and more It is Much more Beautiful in person than the Dark LackLuster Pic's (Even Jb said so )
I uped the price a couple hundred so if it Does sell at least I made out ok. but i'd miss it
Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
still trying to sell your author icon,eh.
poor guy
still trying to sell your author icon,eh.
poor guy>>
Actually I had the chance to sell it at Long Beach for 700.00 to a dealer, But I chickend out. I like that coin more and more
It is Much more Beautiful in person than the Dark LackLuster Pic's (Even Jb said so
I uped the price a couple hundred so if it Does sell at least I made out ok. but i'd miss it
More coins going up tonight!
Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com
Toned Coins for sale @ tonedcointrader.com