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Yahoo auctions is so INCREDIBLY stupid.

So I try to register my credit card to use with Yahoo auctions, no problem. Until I try to bid. I get a message saying that I have an old account in limbo somewhere that my credit card is registered to and that I can only use my credit card with that account. Here's the rub, I can't access the old account to change my info or delete it because the ISP that I used when I opened the account has since gone under and yep, the email address I used was myname @defunctISP.com. So I can't even retrieve my password.

Now, here comes the good part. I send the seller of the item that I want a message asking him to end his listing early and sell me the item outside Yahoo, and I explain my situation to him and guess what?? My question is open to the public for everyone to see, so now if someone looks at that auction, they know someone wants to use the BIN but can't and I'm screwed.

But wait, it gets better, I check further and it says that deleting accounts or changing my info won't do anything anyway. I have to use a different credit card AND start another Yahoo ID to use with it because my current ID is registered to my current credit card and I can't use it because it's registered to another account, yadda, yadda, yadda. So now I'm effectively permabanned from Yahoo auctions and I've done nothing wrong except to forget about an old account and subscribe to a loser ISP. Well guess what Yahoo!! I only have 1 credit card and I'm not applying for another so I can use your stupid ebay look a like service!!

And to top it all off my wireless network is not working so I can't use my laptop until I figure out what the heck is wrong.....what a day. image


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