ADRIAN showed his ... now I'll show mine.
Posts: 2,670
Yo Adrian! That was a sweet 67 in MS64 .... here's my 64 in MS64.
This isn't a forum for just collectors. I don't hawk my wares in here but I try not to let my fragile feelings get hurt by mean unthinking people who have brains made out of green baby poop.
With this image I tried diffused lighting and it helped with the glare for the most part.
I also appreciate your low key way in presenting just the's nice to know your motivation is to just share and develop friendships.
Some people think dealers (part time and otherwise) are just in it for the money. Some people know that that isn't true - that dealers are often extremely passionate about coins.
You probably don't remember me but I have chatted with you via telephone and e-mail many times about many different subjects and I have much respect for you ...... and that has little to do with coins.
Sharing is fun. That is what these boards are for. Just because you sell the coins you share doesn't mean you shouldn't share. Keep on posting pics of coins and by all means, please post more of Stephanie!
Toned Coins for sale @
They were all so new when I was 11 years old in 1964. Now you are just reminding me that I am toned around the edges too.
Anaconda: Carry on! Like your style of encouraging more from our members!
Seth: You might not be ready for the biggest monster Anaconda will unleash on you!