Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

Happy post no. 1000 to me, happy post no. 1000 to me... WINNERS FOUND!

We seem to have a lot of jubilee giveaways at the moment and here is one more. I finally reached 1000 posts in this great forum - although if I had had the time I would probably have reached 2000 by now. Less work and more collecting - that's how I like it image

This giveaway is a little different and I hope you will find it interesting. There are three prizes. The 1st prize is this coin:


It's a tiny silver dam from the kingdom of Kathmandu, Nepal. This is one of the smallest coins in the world and that's why it's hard to make a decent scan of it. It is silver, about 5 mm across and with a weight of around 1/25th of a gram. Obviously it is a uniface coin. The silver is thinner than ordinary paper. The winner of the first prize gets this coin with full information including some catalog numbers.

Second prize is an Australian 2003 dollar commemorating the Centenary of Women's Suffrage in Australia. It's one of the circulating commems so it's not silver - it's aluminum-bronze. The coin is uncirculated.

And third prize... the Danish crown prince was recently married to a nice girl from Australia and a 20 kroner commem was released. The coin is uncirculated and features the portraits of crown prince Frederik and crown princess Mary.

As usual in my giveaways, just post to enter. I will draw a winner on Friday image

Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00


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