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Susan B. collectors

What would you say is the going rate for a 1981-S Susan B. Anthony Dollar PCGS slabbed PR70.

I have been offered one, but think they may be asking too much. I want to make a offer, what do you think the offer should be!


  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    On Teletrade, two PCGS PR-70DCAM 1981-S Susies (Type 1) sold in July for $240 and $210 respectively. I haven't seen anything more recent.

    [Edit -- Heritage has handled a few in auction lately with prices ranging from $299 to $379 (with the juice). The Teletrade prices did not include the juice or else they'd be $264 and $231.
  • Let me clarify I am asking about a 1981-S Susan B. Type II in PCGS PR70 !!!
  • BubbleheadBubblehead Posts: 1,621 ✭✭✭
    Ummm... T-2, huh...
    Well, then I suppose something touching $500 would be appropriate... image

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