Price Guide Prices

in Q & A Forum
Why have the price guides for certain series not been updated in over a year, when the leading experts in a particular series are openly offering to buy sight unseen at prices well in excess of the price guide prices.
They have been offering these numbers for years, yet the "retail" price stays well under public buy prices.
I don't get it.
Could you please help us with that.
Mr. Ike...I guess you know the series I'm referring to now!
They have been offering these numbers for years, yet the "retail" price stays well under public buy prices.
I don't get it.
Could you please help us with that.
Mr. Ike...I guess you know the series I'm referring to now!
For the last two years we didn't do a great job of updating prices. We just focused on the CU3000 coins. About six months agp we started updating the price guide and we are now in the process of re-vamping the entire guide and re-vamping our process to greatly improve our updating. We want to make the PCGS Price uide the one stop place for accurate prices.