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Bid Boards

I've been reading with interest some of the threads about the good old days when Coin Shops had Bid Boards. These are the good old days, as many shops still offer this service.

I for one just opened a busiess in Chino CA about 8 weeks ago. I have a Bid Board which can accomodate upwards of 1000 lots per week.

I believe there is a renisance for Bid Boards. People like seeing all the different material and interacting face to face with others of similar interests. The net has it's place and this site certainly offers much to the collector community but it doesn't replace face to face interaction and a hand shake after a deal in consumated.

Much thought went into the design of our board and overall shop.

As of this writing there are coins being sold at very attractive prices which are then taken to other shops for re-sale at a profit. Point being, there are a lot of collectors and dealers missing out on some opportunities.

I also want to attract the more astute among the numismatic community which would invariably improve the offering of material and the fun that takes place between seasoned colletor/dealers not to mention the impact these people would have on newbies. The matreial we offer is good and diverse, some guys have said it's the best in the area. but I am not yet satisfied with the results.

Wanted: Bid Board Consigners!!
Wanted: Bid Board Bidders!!

Registration is free the month of August. Come by for a visit and see for yourself the look and feel of the shop.
We need the support of the Numismatic community here in So Cal in order to offer the best service and selection of numismatic material thus making it a win, win for all participants.
About Rare Coins
Wanted Bid Board Consigners
Wanted: BId Board Bidders

About Rare Coins
12562-B Central Ave
Chino, CA 91710
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