cleaning corrision from proof coins
Posts: 1,513
I have been looking back at some of my proof sets. today I pulled out a 1984 set that shows a few green spots, mostly around the rims. Is there a safe way to remove these spots without damage to the coins?
"Freedom of speech is a great thing.Just because you can say anything does not mean you should.
I have a few sets with the same green stuff on them
and the Lincoln is slowly being eaten away and ithas moved to the
other coins in the set
I cracked a set like I always do
And removed the coins into 2X2's and the green is there also
Sorry to bring bad news
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I have tried to dip them but the spot came back
The only sets that I have seen run about 83 to present with the green spots
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Zink from the Lincoln?
I have not seen many earlyer set like this
Maybe someone else could be more helpful But I think they are all Drinking @ ANA
% eaten away by green crud. All other coins are affected in spots. I acetoned the lincoln to see what would happen and it had no effect other than to dull the mirrors in the unaffected areas. I then dipped it and while the gren and corrosion was reduced significantly it did not in any way improve the coin. I 2x2'd the remaining coins and will keep an eye on them but I doubt they will be salvageable.