hot pack secrets

2day on ebay i got those hot pack secrets from some guy. they seem legit, but really hard 2 use. any1 else here do the same thing or use the pack secrets? if so, tell me how it worked out, because it sounds very hard to do.
thanks -will-
thanks -will-
What is the purpose of this 'secret' info?
<< <i>they are secrets on how to get a game-used, or auto in every pack u buy >>
Where are the people to get the packs? Buy them on ebay or what?
have many boxes....lets say you walk away with 10 packs of GU and you leave 230 packs of garbage
for everyone else. Does that seem fair?
Ill tell you a little secret I have....actually Ill give it to you for free!
I keep in my car a little secret contains 10 of the crappiest GU cards I could find and some
gorilla glue. Im waiting until I see one of these guys who knows the secrets. Im going to follow him around
until he goes inside and then Im going to give him my GU so he doesn't have to rape them from the local
retail market...well actually I won't give them to him, I will glue them all to the front driver side of his windshield!
That way he can look at them all the way home...if he can get there!
I love a good secret!
Charles Bronson
I would pay money to see a picture of that!
I dont mind a quick feel but to grope and move the cards and lift them in the pack is wrong.
<< <i>I keep in my car a little secret package
Charles Bronson >>
So CB, how do you get those 'little secret packages'? Is there like some kind of little secret packages
"secrets" that I can buy?
Thanks JS. I knew it wouldn't take you long.
I would love to see that windshield and in fact would pay to see
that as well. I think getting out the camcorder and sitting on the curb eating ice cream would be better. The expression would be priceless; and the memory forever.
Time to graduate from the little boys' scams and buy a 1952 Topps Mantle that the seller is not sure whether it's real or not, but he thinks so, it came out of his grandpa's attic, and by the way, his auction and his feedback are private. Money order or Western Union only, please.
Sorry for the tough love, but best that you learn fast.
<< <i>I keep in my car a little secret contains 10 of the crappiest GU cards I could find and some
gorilla glue. Im waiting until I see one of these guys who knows the secrets. Im going to follow him around
until he goes inside and then Im going to give him my GU so he doesn't have to rape them from the local
retail market...well actually I won't give them to him, I will glue them all to the front driver side of his windshield!
That way he can look at them all the way home...if he can get there!
I love a good secret!
Charles Bronson >>
lol.. he's not kidding, either.. and for good measure, he should slap one of those GU cards on the guys forehead with gorilla glue as well..
ps - in Florida, concealed firearm permits are signed by commissioner "Charles Bronson".. i found that humorous..
<< <i>sounds like u guys are jus a little pissed that in one pack i can get the same card u would spend 100 bux 2 get in a box. >>
actually, i CAN do the same thing.. but i DONT.. besides that, i would be embarrassed to have people see me standing around wal-mart feeling up foil packs..
and i dont want JoeStalin stickin crappy GU cards to my windshield/forehead..
Heck I would be willing to bet that you won't get your money back on a one pack purchase at least half the time!
All the great cards are in hobby boxes, and the few topps autographs that are out there can't be searched!
So that leaves you with garbage my friend. know I love going to card shows and seeing the fat local pack searcher trying to sell his cards. He has
loads of retail pulls...usually lined up nice and neat, but none of them are worth anything. Then I stroll over
and start asking him questions about the product, like "wow, you opened up a lot of you have the
base cards with you?"....he always squirms....which usually releases a stink cloud from his filty shirt. Usually
that is enough to send me packing, but I love to force the issue....."so what card shop do you get your cards
at?", I ask..urrrrr, well...ahhhh.... he mummbles stupidly. Everyone knows that if you have 40 GU cards from the
same product at your table you are a card one buys that much retail and no one ever keeps
ripping expensive hobby if that is all you are getting!
Then I might begin to ask about some of his cards and he gets all excited that he might make 6 bucks on a card
he got for only 2.99....sometimes there will be a nice card there, maybe books 100 or so....of course its only
in a dirty penny sleeve because pack searcher is too cheap for a top load.....Ill pick it up and look at it and ask him
some questions and point to some other cards, asking him how the mean while while he is confused
I take my thumb and tweak a corner...oh Im quick, you will never catch me.....Im much quicker than you are
in front of the retail case, feeling up UD mvp. You won't notice it until Im long gone and the only nice card
in your case is now garbage...LOL......I guess you have to find a Carlos Feebles or Dwight Evans fan now huh?
See ya soon!
Faster than a speedy pack-feeler; more powerful than a local yokel; able to reach tall shelves with a single bound. Look! Up in the isle…it’s bird, it’s a plane…no it’s Avenger man! He vows to rid your stores of those pesky, pimple-faced pariahs who ransack the shelves in search of “hot packs.” And who disguised as Joe Stalin, a mild mannered collector and contributor at the CU forum, seeks only truth, justice and a good ole ass whooping in the American Way!
JS i'm a little disappointed. You forgot to mention the pubic hair in the "bright yellow" top loader.
C'mon now!
was the reason why! LMAO
<< <i>I haven't been to the flea market in a long time >>
That's where you find these little sh1ts selling their stuff at inflated prices! I was waiting for you to chime in - I just wanted to see where he was going with this. I kind of feel bad for him in a sense that he didn't know the audience here, perhaps, compared to another board.
I was at Target the other day and the boxes were in a shambles! I'ld like to be there when that crap is going on - the 'gorilla glue' would only be the beginning. You only have to get screwed once on open boxes to cop an attitude toward these jerks IMO.
your sergeant at arms
PS: Avenger man is my hero!
Isn't Lisa working for ABC now? She does the side-line on Monday nite football games - she did last year anyway?
<< <i>Someone answer this for me then.... Where does Beckett get these prices? They say they are the average that are reported from dealers and yadda yadda.... but some of you guys are dealers. Do you ever get close to Beckett price? I'm just curious cuz someone should start a "reality" price list that goes by the average a card sells on Ebay. >>
Beckett already has an Ebay price guide on their site, but it's woefully incomplete and lacking in data (or was, the last time I checked).
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Hi Nick
Hi Mike.
CDsNuts, 1/9/15
<< <i>ps - in Florida, concealed firearm permits are signed by commissioner "Charles Bronson".. i found that humorous.. >>
Very true. I worked his ranch as a kid. Between the Bronson and Partin families, most of central Florida is spoken for.
<< <i>I love old threads
I like to call them vintage!
My Sandberg topps basic set
My Sandberg Topps Master set
+1 vintage threads
<< <i>nevermind. I just realized this was a old thread. Thought dabeef was around. He has a Playboy FF article and wont tell me what issue it is. I bought the full 1989 year and no luck. >>
February 1990, Vol. 37, Iss. 2, pg. 136, by: staff, "The Year in Sex
not sure if it's really an article though - usually the Year in sex stuff is just little snippets of stories from throughout the year - or so I've been told..
<< <i>nevermind. I just realized this was a old thread. Thought dabeef was around. He has a Playboy FF article and wont tell me what issue it is. I bought the full 1989 year and no luck.
DaBeef's eyeglasses say he last visited yesterday.
<< <i>"
<< <i>nevermind. I just realized this was a old thread. Thought dabeef was around. He has a Playboy FF article and wont tell me what issue it is. I bought the full 1989 year and no luck. >>
February 1990, Vol. 37, Iss. 2, pg. 136, by: staff, "The Year in Sex
not sure if it's really an article though - usually the Year in sex stuff is just little snippets of stories from throughout the year - or so I've been told.. >>
Thanks. I'll get that one. Not the one I was looking for though. The one dabeef mentioned has a pic and he posted about it back in 2002.
<< <i>
<< <i>nevermind. I just realized this was a old thread. Thought dabeef was around. He has a Playboy FF article and wont tell me what issue it is. I bought the full 1989 year and no luck.
DaBeef's eyeglasses say he last visited yesterday. >>
Ahh. Thanks.
*Paging Dabeef* Just give me the issue number. Why is this info so coveted? Did I mention, please?
<< <i>I bought the same thing you did, It said it would take a while for you to master it, I still do not get it! >>
BTW: Cubby=Cub Fan
That's one of the more sought after modern issues, Pamela's first centerfold.
LMK if you find out which one has the full article. I've got several more from '85-'00 and my wife would love for me to get them out of here.
edited to crop pic better and avoid showing the nude chick on the left.