Hi Mike.....maybe we have a major storm outage all along the path of Charly, people are assessing their luck and gratitude and spending time in glorious Florida sunshine the day after, are busy preparing for rain and wind ( as we are right now with heavy wind and rain expected in Philly ) OR, these boards are traditionally less trafficked than their noisy neighbors on the Beckett Boards which seems to be a roiling pit of action, if you want to wade through the mindless posts of 12-16 years old who don't get it yet ( they are really in the minority as most people posting there seem very knowledgable ) to enjoy the more topical action.
Not recommended if you are a vintage collector as most of the discussion reflects its corporate message board host, Beckett, meaning modern cards.
BTW, thats me waving in the back row of your pic, "hey, we're over here".
I will still stand on the fact that this is the slowest I have seen the forum since joining. Hope this is just a temporary thing. This place has a ton of great guyz whom I enjoy listening to. It's like a ghost town around here....
i almost got booted out of a ghost town one time.. i never knew i could get kicked out of a freakin ghost town.. i ended up making friends with the old dude that was in charge of the place, and i got to finish my ghost town visit..
Calico, California..
now, i'm about to kick myself out of THIS ghost town, and hit the rack..
Not recommended if you are a vintage collector as most of the discussion reflects its corporate message board host, Beckett, meaning modern cards.
BTW, thats me waving in the back row of your pic, "hey, we're over here".
It's like a ghost town around here....
no computer
no tv
no phone
no cell phone
hungry 1am bear
Blaney's defeating Roles' in volleyball grudge match
ah........wish I could do it all again this week.
Calico, California..
now, i'm about to kick myself out of THIS ghost town, and hit the rack..