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2 real countermark? Or damage?

Since one of the first coins I posted to this site was a spanish 2 reale coin with a grid countermark, I have been interested in the early spanish reales, and in countermarks in particular.

I found this coin on the bay of E, and it looks kinda cool, but it also looks like some kids had fun with the face of the coin. Those are some pretty deliberate punchmarks on the face.

Someone obviously put those marks there intentionally. Is this a countermark or just vandalism?





  • Hmmm, looks more like vandalism. Otherwise a nice Pistareen!
  • If the holes went all the way through it may have been used as a button or something.
    Otherwise I think someone in the past got carried away with a hammer and a nail for some unknown reason.
    Since the holes look sort of rectangular or square, it could mean a very long time ago, as they used square or rectangular nails way back when.
  • Damage I'm afraid image
    knowledge ........ share it
  • Heyyyy... I just had my wife take a look at this. She had a pretty good idea.

    She took one look at the holes and the number of holes and theorized that someone used this coin as an anvil while making a belt.

    Probably on a ship. A salty old one eyed pirate making a belt to hold up his captians pants. It is the stuff of legends!!!
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