Guy goes from no sales feedbacks (they are all from him purchasing, and very small ticket items), to selling multiple thousand card lots? The PSA 10 jordan he supposedly has has a black spot on the registry number....this guy smells fishy all the way here in California.
What looks bogus about it/them? The "black" spot on the Jordan looks just like that, a black smudge over part of the serial number and he states that, not the usual no picture "scam auction". Also looking at what else he is selling, i see a couple of high dollar items but most are Bonds' and Tiger cards and some relatively cheap autographs... are they fraudulent too? There are pictures of them all as well. Sorry, but these don't rattle me more than minimally.
Axtell, re the feedback, I remember selling with zero feedback, we all start at zero (unless there is a way not to).... should he have waited til he was at 100 to sell something? I know it's been discussed on here before, but buying before selling is general practice to build feedback. I just looked, you're at 1 and nothing since July 98? Got another account? ...does that mean you can't sell? Of course not. Bogus or not, there are more "good" things about his auctions than red flags to me right now... and I am actually considering something he has listed - thanks for the link.
And what struck me as odd about his auctions are (a) yes, he's never sold anything before, but (b) he's selling 10 copies of high demand cards? He's got a PSA10 jordan? It just seems (to me, at least) a bit suspicious. Definitely would be a seller I'd stay away from is all. But if you are comfortable with it, by all means, go ahead.
PDUB is correct - this guy is a scammer. He is selling PSA cards, yet has an ungraded 52 Mantle that he's selling as real. Now why wouldn't he get the Mantle graded? What a mystery? That's all you need to know about this guy. I also don't trust that PSA 10 Jordan - probably a stolen scan.
wlf-you make some good points, but you have to admit. A "near full set" of 52 Mantles? Everything "screams to be graded" and he has psa 10 jordans yet he wouldn't bother to grade what appears to be a very nice 52T Mantle? That seems fishy to me, and yes, it is odd that he has only purchased small ticket error cards in what appears to simply be an attempt to build up his feedback. Might be legit, but I don't think a little caution is unwarranted in regards to these auctions, especially with the amount of $$$ involved.
No offence intended Axtell... I looked at this : Axtell feedback.
I still don't see why everyone gets so paranoid over someone listing something you don't have. Is 10 Bonds rookies that rare? no. Is a SGC Woods rare? no. He explains (real or not) the Mantle in the auction. There are several 52 Mantles on EBay now that are ungraded and "real", and every one of them gets questioned on here, regardless of who or when they are being sold. He's got pictures of everything he's got listed. he's got ONE PSA and ONE SGC card listed, everything else is ungraded, is this one of those situations that if it's not PSA it must be fake? I see that every day on this site questioning everyone and everything.
I guess it is a matter of what you think. Yes I'd question a couple items since he's not sold anything before, but I'm seeing 13 auctions and 2-3 are in question, why lump it and say they are all scams? why scam someone over a tiger woods card? Why not use a SI PSA 10 instead? Why not list the PSA 8 Mantle we've been seeing time and time again recently?
I've emailed him asking to send additional scans of the back of the MJ and a group scan of the Bonds' we'll see.
I just don't get questioning everything on EBay everyday. 99% are legit and obviously some really bad attempts at cons... these certainly don't fall into badly obvious overall based on the listings. - ATLEAST to me... if anyone cares, i'll let you know what comes of the scan requests.
wlf3 - You're being sucked-in to a classic scammer technique. Display some genuine goods along with the fake goods, and hopefully the prospective buyer will believe that all of the goods are real. Don't fall for it.
thanks for the words, but I have been a member seller/buyer of EBay since Feb96, so I've seen it all... I am just stating my opinion on what I see here. With everyone screaming SCAM why would one not use "better" items to run a scam? Not cards that can be found regularily. We see Honus' and PSA 8 Mantles and PSA 10 SI Woods' every day, these aren't even close to those cards. People are questioning the silly stuff - 10 TT Bonds'. Who doesn't have that many. I have 100s including nearly a dozen PSA 10s.
using that philosophy, if I were to open a new account and try and sell them, I'd be a fraud as well, correct? i know i wouldn't be, you know i wouldn't be, but most here certainly would, but would swing 180 degrees when they found out it was me right?
like i said, i emailed him about the additional scans and actually got them a few minutes ago. large group scans of 20 TT Bonds, 10 or so OD Bonds, the back of the PSA 10 MJ and a back scan of the Mantle. I wrote back suggesting that he add them to the auctions for further "proof" of ownership... perhaps he will.
I can certainly understand using caution, I agree fullheartly... but i just don't see these, esp ALL, screaming "con".
wlf, I have seen the scan of the 79-80 topps box. the pic is a stolen scan. If he is going to steal one scan then whats to say he will not steal others? Tiger woods - cheap compared to the mantle and the box of cards..MAYBE he has this card and is REALLY going to sell it..I doubt it though! I was scammed outta 900.00 a few months ago over a gretzky rookie, since eBay will do nothing to protect bidders I guess people here on this board and elsewhere want to let the bidders know a scam when they see it.
BTW - The Gretzky I was scammed on : I am still gathering information on this idiot and I swear when my research is finished I will.........and he will not like it!
Sorry to hear that PDUB... I mentioned on these boards a few weeks ago one of my BIG losses ($60k)... so I know what you're feeling. I too understand the interest in protecting yourself and others, but scaring everyone off of something that is based more on paranoia and not fact in this case.
I have, obviously (duh), been watching this thread and checked his acutions and he's added several more pictures like he sent me. So he either has the cards or he's very adept at locating exactly what he needs on the Net, which is difficult at best. And the biggest thing for me is that they all look like they're from the same scanner (at least the same size and backgraounds).
Like i said, i am planning on watching both and am contemplating a bid or two regardless.
Well there are many ways one would think this is a scammer, but I have to agree with WTF. There are a few red flags that I look for in a scammers auction. Trust me I have busted my fair share. First he does not accept paypal, nearly all scammers do take Paypal it is very easy for the to hide behind a fake address and name through their system and it is quick and easy they can get in and be gone before you can track them.. By requiring they send payment by check or MO this gives a more reliable address and makes them easier to track. He also is not using the private auction private feedback thing.
I started selling right away with zero feedback did that mean I was a scammer?? No.. It is possible he does have all these cards. I know a card dealer here locally who has never sold or bought anything on Ebay but when and if he ever does will that mean he is a scammer?? Most of the stuff he sells is vintage.
The Mantle scares me for the following reasons, the screws used in the screw down on one side appear chrome in color while the reverse appear brass. Also all the screw downs I have the screw head is only on one side in this case both sides have heads. Looks like 2 different scans from my perspective. YES a few of his items may be legit but the MANTLE possibly is bogus IMHO. Add the fact that graded, that card would command mucho dinero (with that centering) and why is it that the front scan is clearer then the reverse?
edited to add then again I could just be paranoid as I have seen not 1 authentic raw 52 mantle on ebay in so long that i am numb to the fact that none must exist, cuz surely if I had a psa 8 mantle in my collection like this seller states Id have also have had this one graded too.
Uh....just a quick peek and I will look more when I get home. The Mantle, why are there screwheads on both sides? I thought those holders had screws that only went in one side? Meaning just 4 screws. From the scans the holder takes 8 screws. Unles of course there are holders like that......
Edit** ooops sorry Win you already pointed this out.....
I still just don't get how everyone can sit there and say everything anyone tries to sell is fake, unless you personally know the seller. It makes no sense. Has anyone else asked for scans or anything on these or are you basing your judgement on gut feelings as I see written? I do see that he added new scans, I noted last night, picturing all cards, front and back. How would he produce a group of 20 bonds rookies w/o having them? the backs of cards?
Do we all have no ungraded cards? Most of mine are in sets and not graded, I have very few graded actually comparitively, so why would a few ungraded cards make it all fraudulent? I've had 35 Jordan rookies over the last 5 years pass through my hands, I sold them all...less than 1/3 were graded. I've seen ungraded mantles in Mastro's aution, are they fake? Graded or not, it makes no difference in whether something is real or not, we've seen fake graded cards before too.
WinPitcher, have you seen the other thread of the ungraded Mantle 52 on EBay? any thoughts on that one? Just currious, that seller swears up and down it's real but avoids the trimmed/altered question like the plague, and i know him to be a fraud anyhow - real or not - not a dealer I'd deal with personally.
Perhaps that's the real key with EBay, if you don't know or don't trust a seller it's easy to reject them and try and steer away others? Maybe I hit on something here.
I think its more we are trying to look out for each other. While it "sucks" to miss out on a deal I would much rather do that then drop a couple grand on something and have to deal with it (legal etc.) in the long run.
I would also be upset with myself if some of you (most of you? ) plopped down some money and got screwed when I may have cast doubt and helped out by saying something or expressing my opinion. Im no expert but sometimes things make you go hmmmmmmmmm.
I would rather be proven wrong then getting screwed and or a "friend" screwed.
I agree completely, it just seems that there is really one (maybe 2) items that people are questioned with this guy, yet it "automatically" spills over to everything this guy owns and tries to sell must be bad. I certainly understand concern and caution, but that is rediculious.
Oddly it's now got me more than a bit currious to his offerings. Apparently I am the only one that has investigated this beyond a gut feeling and currious thoughts. He seems cordial enough and has supplied everything that's been asked for (so far). I'd hate to try and prove a point and get taken, but I just don't get the complete and utter paranoia seen here.
I am sure it sounds like i am defending him, i'm not really... I am just saying everyone should get a fair shake in life (except the obvious frauds we've all seen recently). I don't feel that he's offering more than a couple of ? items, everything else is just fine and hardly uncommon (at least to me). I dunno anymore. What is the world coming to?
but i'm glad that we do look out for each other (right or wrong).
I agree everyone should get a fair chance, but there are several redflags that have been raised. Here, but if he is providing all the info you are asking for maybe it is just being overcautious.
which red flags? the one's you agreed didn't exist or the ones you changed your mind about and are now problematic? That's part of the problem here, someone says something negative and one person agrees, it becomes a mob mentality and everything all the sudden becomes a problem for everyone and no one looks beyond the couple of original negative observations (which is all it is right now). I have bought from lower feedback sellers with no problems and have bought from big feedback sellers with big who's right? the answer is no one is. Overcautious i'll buy and it is always warranted when spending a few $1000, but is it too at $100? $10? I guess it depends on the person.
I've done $100,000 sales before, i've been ripped off for $60,000 once. It's always a concern especially when money is involved for us.
I just don't buy the mob's perspective on everything being offered is bad... and no one is investigating it yet has further negative comments about it. Heck, I've got a psych degree and THIS confuses me none-the-less.
I will come out and say it. Those Bonds. Look SOOOOOOOO familiar. Like from a large lot. I was looking and buying lots a few months ago, and while my memory SUCKS it still works occasionally.
Here is a tried and true test. Whats wrong with a scan of a newspaper "clipping" with the date alnog with the card?
Or your thumb along with the card? I mean hell I would do it for a sale for that size.....
Now the Gretzky is fake... this is getting contagious. Why not. For fun, what's wrong with that card now? I see a rough cut along the edge, I see the famous yellow dot on his shoulder, no reprint stamp or anything that I see... or are you assuming that it's a myth and doesn't exist?
Aknot, sure we can give that a try I guess. Which card should we ask for? Mantle? since that is the most popular being questioned here. I'll do it since I've gotten emails from him already, unless someone else wants to... but like i said before, it seems like no one else cares beyond being critical.
I said this earlier (i think in another thread) and in a PM to another board member about the 51/52 fiasco:
What happens when a "legit" person comes in here "clueless", new and exibits all the traits of a "scammer" but he is not?
When it comes to hundreds (and thousands) of dollars changing hands you better believe I would and will question the "authenticity" of a "new" person be them here or Ebay.
Its a "scaled" thing. You look at someone and add up all the "good" and all the questionable/bad. If the questionable/bad outweighs the good you flag em.
(stand by rechecking the auctions....) Barry Bonds: Why crop the picture like that? Close on the top, bottom and right yet crappy on the left? You know like he was "cutting" other stuff out of the scan.
GW Bush and Tony Blair signed baseballs: Scanned? Yet he has a digital camera for the Hockey Box.
Barry Bonds part 2: Appears to be part of Barry Bonds one. Why not scan them seperately? He has got the cards right there.
Tiger Woods: Says and shows SGC yet says he has 4 PSA 10s availiable. Why not list those?
OPC Mario Lemieux: As a seller I would never post a picture that way especially if Im asking for that type of money. BUT mistakes happen.
OPC Patrick Roy rookie: Looks legit to me, except for the scanning alignment.
OPC #18 Wayne Gretzky: Looks legit to me, except for the scanning alignment.
Ronald Reagan and Gorbichev signed baseballs: Again with the scan.... why not use the camera?
I can go on.. Why just grade a few and not everything. Any “monkey” knows a graded card is worth more then the ungraded. It just doesn’t make sense. If you are asking $100 why not graded and ask for more, it is well worth the investment, even if you go GAI.SGC,BGS.
Not afraid of being wrong though so If anyone here takes the plunge please let me know.
<< <i>Now the Gretzky is fake... this is getting contagious. Why not. For fun, what's wrong with that card now? I see a rough cut along the edge, I see the famous yellow dot on his shoulder, no reprint stamp or anything that I see... or are you assuming that it's a myth and doesn't exist?
Aknot, sure we can give that a try I guess. Which card should we ask for? Mantle? since that is the most popular being questioned here. I'll do it since I've gotten emails from him already, unless someone else wants to... but like i said before, it seems like no one else cares beyond being critical. >>
First off let me say I do not have this type of money and would not even THINK about bidding.
With that out of the way have him make a circle with the Bonds with the Mantle in the middle with a white background. If the picture is to big I can host it for him. Kinda being silly but if there are people here (not me) that are interested it would help his cause. Dont you think?
wlf3 - You say that you got ripped off for $60,000 once and it appears like you are going for more. Since you have been persistent throughout the thread, and you seem like a good guy, I'll be more blunt in the hopes that you listen. The 52 Mantle isn't possibly a fake, it definitely is a fake. There is not some doubt about its authenticity, there is no doubt about its authenticity - it is a fake. I know it's a fake, some other posters here know it's a fake, the seller knows it's a fake, but for some reason you are "psychologically" trying to convince yourself otherwise. I'm not even sure if that's the item you want - I can't speak for the autographed presidential baseballs or the modern cards, I mostly collect and deal with pre-1970 cards. I have handled and seen many thousands of 52 Topps cards. That 52 Mantle isn't even a good fake - I have seen much better fakes than that.
You keep mentioning the seller's low feedback and I agree with you about that. Low feedback should be used as a caution for a possible scammer but that is certainly only a guideline and not a rule. I have gotten some good deals in the right situations from low feedback sellers on ebay on cards that I am very familiar with. A seller who has what appears to be possibly a PSA 7 or 8 Mantle, is familiar with PSA because he's selling other graded cards, and is selling it ungraded in which he would be selling it for many thousands of dollars less than what it's really worth, - all this is not a guideline to indicate a scammer, it is a RULE!
done, i sent the Bonds'/mantle picture request. i assume he'll just email it to me and i can post it here if i get it.
I saw a couple errors you mentioned as well Aknot... the sideways scan (prob forgot to rotate it) and I think the SGC woods' "PSA 10s" error is that the auction looks like it might have been reused (?) from the other auctions... it is too mentioned in the Bonds' auctions - which makes more sense than possibly having 4 10s of the Woods'.
from experience I have always gotten better pic by scanning baseballs - as odd as that seems, maybe some of us just can't take good close-up pictures with any kind of camera.
steve- I agree and i'm not trying to convince myself or anyone of it's authenticity. I am just trying to figure out how some posters are screaming fake fake fake because the seller doesn't have it, then when a requested scan appears on request it becomes a fake card(s).. and not just the mantle. it started with the Mantle then it's the Jordan, then it's also all the ungraded singles even a group of $10 Bonds'. It's not easy to tell from a scan, having it to look at in person is the only real way. The scan is big enough to get a good look, but i'm not sure 100%. i'm not conviced it's be a 7 or 8 if graded. It seems centered, yes but it looks like there are fuzzy/worn edges all around and touched corners... i could be seeing things, but i think i see a crease/scratch (holder?) on it as well. If that's the case, it's more like a 3-4 maybe.
If one item is a scam - they all are a scam!! I've gotten screwed enough to know that when a dealer is scamming, he will steal from as many people as possible. BTW - ask yourself why someone would sell a raw Mantle rc that appears to be in NM/MT condition for $3500 when a graded example would easily fetch $150k+ easily.
Greg M.
Collecting vintage auto'd fb cards and Dan Marino cards!!
yes a scam is scam usually... but everyone already deemed this poor guy's auctions as such with no further proof or investigation. All I can say is that I have asked for several other scans and details and gotten them w/o fail. If he didn't have these cards, how in the world could he come up with the scans at all, let alone as quickly as he has? also, i wrote above, before your comments, that i don't see a $150,000 card, more like a $8-10k card if graded. If you can get a $150k for a PSA 4 mantle, let me know, i'll sell mine. and again, people are focusing on one or two items and no one has mentioned the other dozen, other than a blanket comment.
OK Im not saying anything but his scan has changed again (on the Mantle). What is he using the acrylic holder as a paperweight to hold down the TL on the scanner?
At least it may prove he has the card though........
OK.....Im going back to "fake" again. Check out the new scan. If you look at the card it is seated (in both pictures) at the very bottom of the top loader. Now look at the space at the top of the top loader. The "front" of the card shows more "room" then does the back of the card.
Edit: Or he has 2 of them? In seperate Top loaders? In that good of condition?
lol having a out of body experience Aknot? I just checked my email and got a scan of the Bonds', mantle and the gretzky all overlapping and together. It's too big to upload so i'll have to resize it or find an outside location to post it... gimme a few. If he was using the lucite to hold down the toploader, could the card have moved any between scans and flipping it over? This is more confusing than calculus in college. It's actually strangly appealing having this discussion and seeing all the yes' changing to no's and back.
had to reduce it by 2/3 to get it to fit a bit smaller than received for sure. This picture shows several of the questioned lots what?
<< <i>had to reduce it by 2/3 to get it to fit a bit smaller than received for sure. This picture shows several of the questioned lots what? >>
Hey it appears he may be legit, does he have 2 of the Mantle (see my Top Loader question/statement above).
Now the Gretzky is fake... this is getting contagious. For fun, what's wrong with that card now? I see a rough cut along the edge, I see the famous yellow dot on his shoulder
You can see the dot?? Your eyes must be better than mine or is it the scan? The back of the card is also too "white".
<< <i>had to reduce it by 2/3 to get it to fit a bit smaller than received for sure. This picture shows several of the questioned lots what? >>
He says two things in the Mantle auction that I think are interesting:
(1) He bought a 1952 Topps near set at the '04 National. Ask him who he bought it from.
(2) He states that he already has a PSA 8 Mantle in his collection. Ask him for the serial number.
That might clarify things a bit.
P.S. If I believed that the Mantle card were genuine, I would not waste any time before either (a) buying it, or (b) strongly recommending that he get it graded since he would make vast amounts more money on the sale of the card.
<< <i>You can see the dot?? Your eyes must be better than mine or is it the scan? The back of the card is also too "white". >>
I can see the yellow dot and I don't think the back of the card is too white at all.. Looks real to me.
At any rate..
I would never bid on anything offered by someone with less than 50 positive selling feedbacks and there better be some high ticket items in those 50+ feedbacks or I'm not interested.
influx, you never bid on anything listed by sub50 ratings? that's impressive. I buy a lot of things - big and small $ - from all types of sellers based on previous sales and %s if more than a couple $100. Unless you were refering to some bigger$ items then i think we'd all agree with it.
I just emailed the seller on the Mantle card to see if he would accept escrow payment. I will post his reply. This is the reply that I received on the Mantle card.
sorry but i have had a bad experience using escrow prior so will not, however I am not opposed to making arrangements to pick up the card via my attorney's office or the like if necessary or possibly a COD or split payment. thanks for looking and the email
I wouldn't bid on a $30 item let alone a $100 item unless what I said in my last post was true about the seller.. I don't have a lot of money to just throw away so I'm causious on what I bid on. If most people on ebay were as causious as I am scammers would have to find real jobs. When I started selling stuff I started small and worked my way up.. from $20 items to $100.. $1,000.. Anyone that lists high priced cards in their first auctions is either a scammer or quite stupid.
It would be easy to overlap pics of fake cards..I have some hold on ill scan em all together and show you! I have em I swear I have em and they are REAL! Yeah real FAKE cards!
ANYWAYS: the gretzky is FAKE! NO yellow dot AND magnify that pic...there are red dots in the ice = dots = real
if you can overlap different cards and have it look real and show no cropping and no overlap lines you get a cookie! again why go the trouble to do that for Bonds' and a Gretzky card? I can see attempting it w/ the newspaper and a $5000 but why the others? I still don't see where everyone is babbling on about how everything everyone sells is fake, it's childish and completely wrong and we all know it... if it was true, EBay would not exist.
PDUB, I still clearly see a yellow dot on the left shoulder, as does several others already mentioned they can too, and see no dots when blowing it up (irrelevant if i can't see either). You could possibly be right about a fake card, but it still doesn't mesh with the collage of it and other cards.
Personally i'd not go through the trouble to falsely list a few Bonds, Woods, and sub-$20 cards - let alone have them questioned by someone when they are listed. It makes no sense. if you're going to scam someone SCAM someone.
As far as UNGRADED 52 Topps Mantles go, about 99% are fake or stolen scans. Nobody in their right mind, scammer or not, would sell a $18,000 (or more depending on the grade) card raw for $3500. Thats just plain stupid.
Buddy - eBay could care less if people get scammed, they have told me straight up that they do not care, eBay is a place where you post things for sale, like your local classified section in the newspaper - this is what eBay said.
he MAY own some of the cards..but they are not to brag but I know my Gretzky Rc's..this OPC is FAKE! there is NO yellow dot AND the ice is different color in the close way around this..that card is FAKE.
I dont think its childish to warn people of a scammer when you see one.
Dont get my wrong wlf - i do appreciate your comments
no offence taken PDUB, i honor everyone's opinion to some degree.
JonB, I agree most of the 52 Mantles and 100% of the Honus T206s are bad as well... I was refering more the overall "blanket comments" people were making about everthing else this seller and others offer daily.
I can apprecaite everyone being careful and woeful toward others and likely because every one of us have been taken at sometime by now online - to varying degrees of couse - and hate to have it happen again to themselves or anyone else. I can understand that completely, I am too... and have likely taken a hit or two bigger than all of you, but it doesn't persuade me to convince everyone that everything on ebay is bad or unworthy of a bid. That's just the vibe I have gotten here... one questionable comment from one person turned into everything this seller has is fake - even with all the contradictary evidence/scans/responses the seller has readily given. Still doesn't get him to the "OK" level, but I am just saying cut the guy a break if there is no evidence against his stuff, we shouldn't be critisising it like we are.
Assume just because no one has bought your stuff, would you appreciate everyone doing the same to you, even tho we know you "better" just because we see you here? of course not, but at least you can come on here and defend yourself.
i'm just babbling right now about this, it's actually interesting hearing all the responses and strategy being used to do so. I'm a semi-pro poker player and love this stuff.
I see the yellow dot over the shoulder now, but reprints also have this dot..not all but the good ones do.
The guy who scammed me outta 900 bucks sent me his drivers License, phone numbers, we talked on the phone, had an address, everything added up then wshoo hes gone w/ my money!
He sent you all that info, was it valid? If he did that and still scammed you, he deserves to get strung up... doesn't sound like the human race will miss him. Did he take off or pull the "sorry, i mailed it, too bad you didn't get it." scam?
I agree w/ the Gretzky, the "dot" lessens the odds of fake, but the GOOD fakes have it, but most of the fakes on EBay don't have them. I actually have a few pages of fake cards in my "library", from Marino, to Gretzky to McGwire to the perverbial Jordans. But glad you saw the dot, was beginning to question my already bad eyesite. lol
Hi, guys... New to the forum though I've been reading it for weeks. Just a quick question about this guy's Jordan PSA 10.
What's the point of blacking out the serial number on the scan? There's a million different ways to alter a pic so others can't steal it but wouldn't blacking out the serial number just keep others from identifying the real card? Maybe it's an obvious stupid question but I was just wondering if there was some sort of legitimate point to doing this. Thanks!
Axtell, re the feedback, I remember selling with zero feedback, we all start at zero (unless there is a way not to).... should he have waited til he was at 100 to sell something? I know it's been discussed on here before, but buying before selling is general practice to build feedback. I just looked, you're at 1 and nothing since July 98? Got another account? ...does that mean you can't sell? Of course not. Bogus or not, there are more "good" things about his auctions than red flags to me right now... and I am actually considering something he has listed - thanks for the link.
edit: oops, forgot to use the link key:
Axtell's Feedback
And what struck me as odd about his auctions are (a) yes, he's never sold anything before, but (b) he's selling 10 copies of high demand cards? He's got a PSA10 jordan? It just seems (to me, at least) a bit suspicious. Definitely would be a seller I'd stay away from is all. But if you are comfortable with it, by all means, go ahead.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
I still don't see why everyone gets so paranoid over someone listing something you don't have. Is 10 Bonds rookies that rare? no. Is a SGC Woods rare? no. He explains (real or not) the Mantle in the auction. There are several 52 Mantles on EBay now that are ungraded and "real", and every one of them gets questioned on here, regardless of who or when they are being sold. He's got pictures of everything he's got listed. he's got ONE PSA and ONE SGC card listed, everything else is ungraded, is this one of those situations that if it's not PSA it must be fake? I see that every day on this site questioning everyone and everything.
I guess it is a matter of what you think. Yes I'd question a couple items since he's not sold anything before, but I'm seeing 13 auctions and 2-3 are in question, why lump it and say they are all scams? why scam someone over a tiger woods card? Why not use a SI PSA 10 instead? Why not list the PSA 8 Mantle we've been seeing time and time again recently?
I've emailed him asking to send additional scans of the back of the MJ and a group scan of the Bonds' we'll see.
I just don't get questioning everything on EBay everyday. 99% are legit and obviously some really bad attempts at cons... these certainly don't fall into badly obvious overall based on the listings. - ATLEAST to me... if anyone cares, i'll let you know what comes of the scan requests.
using that philosophy, if I were to open a new account and try and sell them, I'd be a fraud as well, correct? i know i wouldn't be, you know i wouldn't be, but most here certainly would, but would swing 180 degrees when they found out it was me right?
like i said, i emailed him about the additional scans and actually got them a few minutes ago. large group scans of 20 TT Bonds, 10 or so OD Bonds, the back of the PSA 10 MJ and a back scan of the Mantle. I wrote back suggesting that he add them to the auctions for further "proof" of ownership... perhaps he will.
I can certainly understand using caution, I agree fullheartly... but i just don't see these, esp ALL, screaming "con".
BTW - The Gretzky I was scammed on : I am still gathering information on this idiot and I swear when my research is finished I will.........and he will not like it!
SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have, obviously (duh), been watching this thread and checked his acutions and he's added several more pictures like he sent me. So he either has the cards or he's very adept at locating exactly what he needs on the Net, which is difficult at best. And the biggest thing for me is that they all look like they're from the same scanner (at least the same size and backgraounds).
Like i said, i am planning on watching both and am contemplating a bid or two regardless.
I started selling right away with zero feedback did that mean I was a scammer?? No.. It is possible he does have all these cards. I know a card dealer here locally who has never sold or bought anything on Ebay but when and if he ever does will that mean he is a scammer?? Most of the stuff he sells is vintage.
edited to add then again I could just be paranoid as I have seen not 1 authentic raw 52 mantle on ebay in so long that i am numb to the fact that none must exist, cuz surely if I had a psa 8 mantle in my collection like this seller states Id have also have had this one graded too.
Edit** ooops sorry Win you already pointed this out.....
Do we all have no ungraded cards? Most of mine are in sets and not graded, I have very few graded actually comparitively, so why would a few ungraded cards make it all fraudulent? I've had 35 Jordan rookies over the last 5 years pass through my hands, I sold them all...less than 1/3 were graded. I've seen ungraded mantles in Mastro's aution, are they fake? Graded or not, it makes no difference in whether something is real or not, we've seen fake graded cards before too.
WinPitcher, have you seen the other thread of the ungraded Mantle 52 on EBay? any thoughts on that one? Just currious, that seller swears up and down it's real but avoids the trimmed/altered question like the plague, and i know him to be a fraud anyhow - real or not - not a dealer I'd deal with personally.
Perhaps that's the real key with EBay, if you don't know or don't trust a seller it's easy to reject them and try and steer away others? Maybe I hit on something here.
I think its more we are trying to look out for each other. While it "sucks" to miss out on a deal I would much rather do that then drop a couple grand on something and have to deal with it (legal etc.) in the long run.
I would also be upset with myself if some of you (most of you?
I would rather be proven wrong then getting screwed and or a "friend" screwed.
I agree completely, it just seems that there is really one (maybe 2) items that people are questioned with this guy, yet it "automatically" spills over to everything this guy owns and tries to sell must be bad. I certainly understand concern and caution, but that is rediculious.
Oddly it's now got me more than a bit currious to his offerings. Apparently I am the only one that has investigated this beyond a gut feeling and currious thoughts. He seems cordial enough and has supplied everything that's been asked for (so far). I'd hate to try and prove a point and get taken, but I just don't get the complete and utter paranoia seen here.
I am sure it sounds like i am defending him, i'm not really... I am just saying everyone should get a fair shake in life (except the obvious frauds we've all seen recently). I don't feel that he's offering more than a couple of ? items, everything else is just fine and hardly uncommon (at least to me). I dunno anymore.
but i'm glad that we do look out for each other (right or wrong).
I've done $100,000 sales before, i've been ripped off for $60,000 once. It's always a concern especially when money is involved for us.
I just don't buy the mob's perspective on everything being offered is bad... and no one is investigating it yet has further negative comments about it. Heck, I've got a psych degree and THIS confuses me none-the-less.
His fake Gretzky
Here is a tried and true test. Whats wrong with a scan of a newspaper "clipping" with the date alnog with the card?
Or your thumb along with the card? I mean hell I would do it for a sale for that size.....
Aknot, sure we can give that a try I guess. Which card should we ask for? Mantle? since that is the most popular being questioned here. I'll do it since I've gotten emails from him already, unless someone else wants to... but like i said before, it seems like no one else cares beyond being critical.
What happens when a "legit" person comes in here "clueless", new and exibits all the traits of a "scammer" but he is not?
When it comes to hundreds (and thousands) of dollars changing hands you better believe I would and will question the "authenticity" of a "new" person be them here or Ebay.
Its a "scaled" thing. You look at someone and add up all the "good" and all the questionable/bad. If the questionable/bad outweighs the good you flag em.
(stand by rechecking the auctions....)
Barry Bonds:
Why crop the picture like that? Close on the top, bottom and right yet crappy on the left? You know like he was "cutting" other stuff out of the scan.
GW Bush and Tony Blair signed baseballs:
Scanned? Yet he has a digital camera for the Hockey Box.
Barry Bonds part 2:
Appears to be part of Barry Bonds one. Why not scan them seperately? He has got the cards right there.
Tiger Woods:
Says and shows SGC yet says he has 4 PSA 10s availiable. Why not list those?
OPC Mario Lemieux:
As a seller I would never post a picture that way especially if Im asking for that type of money. BUT mistakes happen.
OPC Patrick Roy rookie:
Looks legit to me, except for the scanning alignment.
OPC #18 Wayne Gretzky:
Looks legit to me, except for the scanning alignment.
Ronald Reagan and Gorbichev signed baseballs:
Again with the scan.... why not use the camera?
I can go on.. Why just grade a few and not everything. Any “monkey” knows a graded card is worth more then the ungraded. It just doesn’t make sense. If you are asking $100 why not graded and ask for more, it is well worth the investment, even if you go GAI.SGC,BGS.
Not afraid of being wrong though so If anyone here takes the plunge please let me know.
<< <i>Now the Gretzky is fake... this is getting contagious. Why not. For fun, what's wrong with that card now? I see a rough cut along the edge, I see the famous yellow dot on his shoulder, no reprint stamp or anything that I see... or are you assuming that it's a myth and doesn't exist?
Aknot, sure we can give that a try I guess. Which card should we ask for? Mantle? since that is the most popular being questioned here. I'll do it since I've gotten emails from him already, unless someone else wants to... but like i said before, it seems like no one else cares beyond being critical. >>
First off let me say I do not have this type of money and would not even THINK about bidding.
With that out of the way have him make a circle with the Bonds with the Mantle in the middle with a white background. If the picture is to big I can host it for him. Kinda being silly but if there are people here (not me) that are interested it would help his cause. Dont you think?
You keep mentioning the seller's low feedback and I agree with you about that. Low feedback should be used as a caution for a possible scammer but that is certainly only a guideline and not a rule. I have gotten some good deals in the right situations from low feedback sellers on ebay on cards that I am very familiar with. A seller who has what appears to be possibly a PSA 7 or 8 Mantle, is familiar with PSA because he's selling other graded cards, and is selling it ungraded in which he would be selling it for many thousands of dollars less than what it's really worth, - all this is not a guideline to indicate a scammer, it is a RULE!
I saw a couple errors you mentioned as well Aknot... the sideways scan (prob forgot to rotate it) and I think the SGC woods' "PSA 10s" error is that the auction looks like it might have been reused (?) from the other auctions... it is too mentioned in the Bonds' auctions - which makes more sense than possibly having 4 10s of the Woods'.
from experience I have always gotten better pic by scanning baseballs - as odd as that seems, maybe some of us just can't take good close-up pictures with any kind of camera.
steve- I agree and i'm not trying to convince myself or anyone of it's authenticity. I am just trying to figure out how some posters are screaming fake fake fake because the seller doesn't have it, then when a requested scan appears on request it becomes a fake card(s).. and not just the mantle. it started with the Mantle then it's the Jordan, then it's also all the ungraded singles even a group of $10 Bonds'. It's not easy to tell from a scan, having it to look at in person is the only real way. The scan is big enough to get a good look, but i'm not sure 100%. i'm not conviced it's be a 7 or 8 if graded. It seems centered, yes but it looks like there are fuzzy/worn edges all around and touched corners... i could be seeing things, but i think i see a crease/scratch (holder?) on it as well. If that's the case, it's more like a 3-4 maybe.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
At least it may prove he has the card though........
Edit: Or he has 2 of them? In seperate Top loaders? In that good of condition?
I am leaving the office and will be home in about 30 mins. It would take me less then 10 but I have to drop off the Wifes dry cleaning...
<< <i>had to reduce it by 2/3 to get it to fit a bit smaller than received for sure. This picture shows several of the questioned lots what? >>
Hey it appears he may be legit, does he have 2 of the Mantle (see my Top Loader question/statement above).
You can see the dot?? Your eyes must be better than mine or is it the scan? The back of the card is also too "white".
<< <i>had to reduce it by 2/3 to get it to fit a bit smaller than received for sure. This picture shows several of the questioned lots what? >>
He says two things in the Mantle auction that I think are interesting:
(1) He bought a 1952 Topps near set at the '04 National. Ask him who he bought it from.
(2) He states that he already has a PSA 8 Mantle in his collection. Ask him for the serial number.
That might clarify things a bit.
P.S. If I believed that the Mantle card were genuine, I would not waste any time before either (a) buying it, or (b) strongly recommending that he get it graded since he would make vast amounts more money on the sale of the card.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
<< <i>You can see the dot?? Your eyes must be better than mine or is it the scan? The back of the card is also too "white". >>
I can see the yellow dot and I don't think the back of the card is too white at all.. Looks real to me.
At any rate..
I would never bid on anything offered by someone with less than 50 positive selling feedbacks and there better be some high ticket items in those 50+ feedbacks or I'm not interested.
sorry but i have had a bad experience using escrow prior so will not, however I am not opposed to making arrangements to pick up the card via my attorney's office or the like if necessary or possibly a COD or split payment. thanks for looking and the email
ANYWAYS: the gretzky is FAKE! NO yellow dot AND magnify that pic...there are red dots in the ice = dots = real
PDUB, I still clearly see a yellow dot on the left shoulder, as does several others already mentioned they can too, and see no dots when blowing it up (irrelevant if i can't see either). You could possibly be right about a fake card, but it still doesn't mesh with the collage of it and other cards.
Personally i'd not go through the trouble to falsely list a few Bonds, Woods, and sub-$20 cards - let alone have them questioned by someone when they are listed. It makes no sense. if you're going to scam someone SCAM someone.
As far as UNGRADED 52 Topps Mantles go, about 99% are fake or stolen scans. Nobody in their right mind, scammer or not, would sell a $18,000 (or more depending on the grade) card raw for $3500. Thats just plain stupid.
he MAY own some of the cards..but they are not to brag but I know my Gretzky Rc's..this OPC is FAKE! there is NO yellow dot AND the ice is different color in the close way around this..that card is FAKE.
I dont think its childish to warn people of a scammer when you see one.
Dont get my wrong wlf - i do appreciate your comments
<< <i>PDUB, I still clearly see a yellow dot on the left shoulder, as does several others already mentioned they can too, and >>
I concur.
JonB, I agree most of the 52 Mantles and 100% of the Honus T206s are bad as well... I was refering more the overall "blanket comments" people were making about everthing else this seller and others offer daily.
I can apprecaite everyone being careful and woeful toward others and likely because every one of us have been taken at sometime by now online - to varying degrees of couse - and hate to have it happen again to themselves or anyone else. I can understand that completely, I am too... and have likely taken a hit or two bigger than all of you, but it doesn't persuade me to convince everyone that everything on ebay is bad or unworthy of a bid. That's just the vibe I have gotten here... one questionable comment from one person turned into everything this seller has is fake - even with all the contradictary evidence/scans/responses the seller has readily given. Still doesn't get him to the "OK" level, but I am just saying cut the guy a break if there is no evidence against his stuff, we shouldn't be critisising it like we are.
Assume just because no one has bought your stuff, would you appreciate everyone doing the same to you, even tho we know you "better" just because we see you here? of course not, but at least you can come on here and defend yourself.
i'm just babbling right now about this, it's actually interesting hearing all the responses and strategy being used to do so. I'm a semi-pro poker player and love this stuff.
The guy who scammed me outta 900 bucks sent me his drivers License, phone numbers, we talked on the phone, had an address, everything added up then wshoo hes gone w/ my money!
I agree w/ the Gretzky, the "dot" lessens the odds of fake, but the GOOD fakes have it, but most of the fakes on EBay don't have them. I actually have a few pages of fake cards in my "library", from Marino, to Gretzky to McGwire to the perverbial Jordans. But glad you saw the dot, was beginning to question my already bad eyesite. lol
What's the point of blacking out the serial number on the scan? There's a million different ways to alter a pic so others can't steal it but wouldn't blacking out the serial number just keep others from identifying the real card? Maybe it's an obvious stupid question but I was just wondering if there was some sort of legitimate point to doing this. Thanks!
PS, sorry if this is a double post