Presidential Review

in Q & A Forum
Mr. Hall, I recently submitted a coin for Presidential review at the Baltimore July Show and wanted to let you know how pleased I was with the result. The coin was a Barber Quarter, 1903 PCGS PR68Cameo. I had submitted the coin several months ago as a PCGS PR68 for the Cameo designation, and after I received the coin I noticed a haze or film developing in the left obverse field which impaired the mirrors in that area. Well, I received the coin today and the haze is completely gone, the mirrors are booming again, and the natural iridescent rim color of the coin is completely undisturbed. I am very happy with the result and wanted to thank you personally. I believe that the Presidential Review service can be a very useful option for collectors and perhaps one that is not utilized enough. Tom T.
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Thanks...sometimes things work out really well...and if it doesn't, we always try to make amends.