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Odd italian(?) coin... Maybe? Help?

I am struggling with the identification of this "coin" (token?) I bought on the cheap yesterday. I have looked EVERYWHERE!! I have mustered my feeble resources and have been defeated. Now I am counting on your wisdom. Help me identify this. Please... I beg it of you.

the "front" has a sideboard, a scale, and what looks to be an oven(?) puffing smoke. The lettering around the front is:

The back has a bird flying over mountians (?) or rocky forested land. The lettering is:

It seems to be on very thin copper.

Thanks for your help!!



  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    Looks like a trade token of some sort to me since there is no date nor denomination on it. My Italian is pretty poor since I haven't used it in many moons. The front looks like it says "INTIMATE RESPONDENT HOW MUCH" and I am lost as to what it says on the reverse.

    My quess since it's a thin piece of copper, no date nor denomination, having scales and a hearth it seems like many of the trade tokens I've seen. Sorry I couldn't be more help Zulan 'ol bean.
  • I also have a feeling its not an Italian coin but very possibly a jetton from Netherlands or maybe France.
    If so, it's probably a 1600's to early 1700's piece. Haven't seen this particular one before.
  • AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    I tend to agree with the Coach. It appears to be either a jetton or trade token and the style suggests 17th century. As for provenance, well, west or central European is about as close as I can "narrow" it, since the Latin legends certainly don't restrict it to Italy. With the mountains, though, I'm not sure that I could comfortably attribute it to the Low Countries.

    I don't know Latin, but the best I can piece out the legends' meanings is something along the lines of "What would you pay / to have the peace you desire?"

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
  • elvernoelverno Posts: 1,068
    For what it's worth Zulan I've never figured out what this piece is either. I picked one up about 20 years ago and no one has ever been able to narrow it much more than our friends here. For a while I toyed with the idea that it was a masonic token but the symbolism isn't really correct. Well, at least I know there's two of these things! image
    You want how much?!!
    (Last update 3/6/2007)
  • Should I present a challenge? Are you saying these fine people CANNOT solve this mystery?

    Nay I say!!!

    If someone figures this one out I will buy them a drink the next time they are in the seattle area, and shake their hand (like THATS some prize)!!!

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