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well worn 1787 connecticut copper COOLL!!!!!

Life is good!!!! I was at a street fair and actually found someone unloading a bunch of foreign (mostly british) coins at one of the stands, off to the side, hidden under other merchandise. It looked like someone was once an avid collector, but had just lost interest?? I dunno. Having already blown most of my money at this point, I dug through the 1.00 pile. Actually I ended up dropping about 50.00 at the stand, but that is another story.

Among the really interesting british coins I claimed (some of which I am still struggling to identify, I got at least 2 conder tokens as well), I found a really well worn coin. I could make out the date by the naked eye (1787), so I fugured I would pick it up just for the jollies of figuring out what it was.

Much to my surprise, my 1.00 bargin coin is a WELL worn (fr-2?) 1787 connecticut copper penny. It actually looks a little better than the scan shows. How cool is that!!?? I got a really neat penny, have been learning the history of early american copper all night, and just feel like I won some sort of prize. Coin collecting is so COOL!!! Now I have to go back and figure out where that booth went and go through the rest of their coins a little more closely.


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