FS: 1883 Nickel---$5 Delivered (First Come-First Serve)- SOLD!
Posts: 649
For Sale:
1883 V Nickel with "No CENTS" (This is the same type of coin many people gold plated and passed as a $5 gold piece over a hundred years ago). Coin is in good condition.
The price is $5 which includes shipping to the U.S.
First Come/First Serve (I will delete this post when it sells)
To buy it shoot me a private message or an e-mail at gavitpltw@yahoo.com.
1883 V Nickel with "No CENTS" (This is the same type of coin many people gold plated and passed as a $5 gold piece over a hundred years ago). Coin is in good condition.
The price is $5 which includes shipping to the U.S.
First Come/First Serve (I will delete this post when it sells)
To buy it shoot me a private message or an e-mail at gavitpltw@yahoo.com.
E-mail GRU Coins